Easter Egg Swap Rnd 3 Gallery!

Great job! I always look forward to your skewed-ness.


The ATCs are really cute, I like the bunny going after the Ghirardelli.


@tee - Hold on, you sent it in the bottle? Nothing else? Nothing covering the bottle? Did you cut and tape the bottom to get everything in? I am very curious now.

Your paper beads are really pretty! They made a beautiful necklace. And your ATCs are fun!

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@Tapestry , well done!!
I never saw clear eggs, and the cupcake one is neat, too!
All your crafty pieces are really cool – looks like you totally surprised your partner :smiley:


what a great package, @Tee !
It reminded me that years ago, I was in a swap group where we used soda bottes as our packages!
(any of the oldsters remember that? I don’t think it was on Craftster, but possibly on a yahoo group WAY back in the day?)
Good job on the beads and the ATC’s!


Great package, @Tee !
And I like the idea of using a bottle for shipping.


I remember the Pringles can one.


thanks for your great feedback.

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@Tee - But you never answered my questions! Im still curious! :rofl: :joy: :joy: :rofl:

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I received a sweet package from @Lynx and since I was still busy crafting for Tee, I only opened it today.
She made me some adorable clay bunnies! The colors are fantastic, and I’ll put them on the sill in my bay window to make me smile when I look at them.
She also sent the cutest tiny note cards with her original photos of the same bunnies, so I can share the love in future packages! Thank you so much, Lynx!! A very special pkg.


I’m so glad you like them! They were super fun to make! I think making cards of my crafts is a fun new activity!

I love how they turned out, and will probably make me some, too.



I think taking pictures of your own crafts (or even those that you receive in swaps!) is a fun idea to keep sharing the friendship and fun we all have doing swaps!

I have received wonderful cards from a lot of people sharing the artwork or photography of others. It makes me feel like we are all part of one community of like-minded and kind people.

I will say that I think your bunnies remind me of child or folk art pieces. The colors are bright and happy and knowing that you enjoyed making them makes me happy to see them.

This gallery has so many wonderful things…I almost missed it…time to take a better look at the other things!


Cut like a U shape in the side of the bottle. Put in some type of raffia, adding the goodies a bit at a time so it creates a sorta mystery. Use clear packing tape to secure a shipping label over your U opening.

Did that make sense? It;s really fun.


Your bunnies are adorable. Ingenious photos, doubling the fun.


I definitely need to try this as a fun activity – hmmm, maybe my little granddaughter would enjoy getting some easter eggs inside a bottle!
Thanks for the reminder on how to do this ~


Ahoy there Maties, I find me a treasure box; right in with me mail.

1st, let me ask Kayrun to forgive me for my tardiness in posting this. It is rude , disrespectful, and just not me.

We drove down to the mailbox and viola, treasure chest from Kayrun. I had to open it while hubs drove. (ignore the inside of our car, I couldn’t help myself.) Just look; don’t touch.

You know that age ol question, What came 1st, the chicken or the egg? Well if you’re in Kayrun’s world, they arrive at the same time. Complete with an adorable cheer-er on-er.

These are wrap around bracelets that I get to decorate, my way. :orange_heart:

After she pried me a little I told her that I collect junk jewelry. As you can see, she has a different version of junk than I do. (ignore the old arm. She didn’t send that part) My fav is the adjustable friendship bracelet that was her first attempt and my first ever to receive. And yes, hubs pulled over to Schlotsky’s so we could eat and he could watch me dig thru the chest.

LOOK! The patrons at the restaurant sure did!
Lots and lots of sugary goodness, re-gifted Lettuce labels, post-e notes, a zentangle ATC, more truly junk jewelry, a squishy chick that was a blast squishing in traffic and a precious personal note.

Aww, I’m in treasure bliss.
Thanks so much, my new friend, Kayrun !!


Did you do the bottle thing for your grandaughter?
You don’t have to mail the bottle. If you’re sneaky enough with the tape, she’ll try to find out how you got the goodness inside, lol.


yay! I’m so glad that it got there ok, and I love the action shots!
this is a fun place to make new crafty friends, and I’m happy to be the one to send you your first swap package on our site!
here’s to many more fun swaps in the future :slight_smile:
and enjoy your egg goodies this week (glad the PO didn’t hold it TOO long – at least it’s there before Easter)

and to answer your other question – no, I haven’t gotten my act together to send a bottle package to my grand yet, but I still love the idea


hugs pink heart


I love the little knit bunny! @kayrun , you need to do a post on it or could you name the pattern? I love bunnies of all kinds!

@Tee I love your post and hope to swap with you sometime in the future! Sounds like you are a lot of fun! (and, I love Schlozsky’s!)