Egg candles (w/ sort-of tutorial)

Ok, I did these for the Ostara swap, but any spring egg festival works… Apologies for the picture orientation; my phone & the forum are having an ongoing argument about what side is up.

These are brown eggs from a friend’s chickens, so probably a little sturdier than bleached grocery store ones. Anyway, I peeled off the tops carefully when I used them, rinsed thoroughly, and dyed them with some food coloring. No good pictures of that, but you’ve probably dyed eggs before…

Ready to make candles! I cut rings off a toilet paper roll to hold them upright, got out some wick, and large seed beads for bottom weights since I didn’t have any small wick ends.

Filled with soy wax!

Oops… :frowning:

Wick trimmed, ready to burn (in sand so it can’t set anything else on fire…)

…and this is why we have sand! (also why I kept the ones that were cracking down the sides.)


What a great project! The candles would be perfect to add to any Nature Table (in sand, of course). Thanks for sharing these!


These are really cool!!

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I love this idea! They came out very nice.

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So cool! Have you made a candle from half a clementine peel? it totally works! You fill it with oil, bet these shells would work with oil too, in case you haven’t got wax.

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