Embroidered Photograph

I’ve always wanted to try embroidered photography, and finally felt inspired for Valentine’s Day. We had recently sorted our arts & crafts room, and I had found a box full embroidery thread just waiting for some attention, so I gave it a shot.

Though the trees in the park near our house don’t blossom with these beautiful shades of pinks and magentas, the peach trees at our favorite local farm definitely do. :cherry_blossom: I found them to be my inspiration because we had just walked home from the peach farm (with a fresh pie!) the day we took that photo.

I wasn’t exactly sure what I was doing, so I just laid out some colors that I felt complemented the photo well, jabbed [what felt like] a billion holes into the photo, and went to town. The back of the photo looks like a hot mess, but we’ll just pretend it’s neat and tidy back there, k? :grin:

I did have to Youtube how to make French knots. It had been many years since I had done those. :see_no_evil:


Cool idea!
Did you put anything behind the photo for reinforcement/stiffening?


No, I just had it printed on photo paper. I think printing on thicker paper would be the way to go, though. It was a bit… unwieldy. :laughing:


Neat idea! Looks great!

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Thank you! :hibiscus:

It came out great! What a sweet Valentine’s Day gift! :heart:

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Thank you so much! I also gave her flowers. :laughing: We’re silly. :upside_down_face:


A sweet and meaningful gift!


Thank you so much!

I love it! :laughing:

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I love this. It’s a great way to jazz up a photo and make it even more personal. It turned out beautiful!


Thank you. :heart: I think I might try it with a black and white photograph, or a photograph from the botanical center just FULL of flowers and blooms. :heart_eyes:


Oooh. Color on Black and white would be really neat!


Congrats! This outstanding :star2: project is featured this week! :tada:


O wow, that’s a beautiful way to take a photograph and make it very personal. A lotta love and a lotta little holes went into it. I’ll try to store this away in my noggin as a future project.
I concur with gozer that color on b&w would also look neat.

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Thank you so much. :heart_decoration:

Thank you. :sewing_needle: It was fun to try! I’ll definitely be making more.

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This is such a cool project, and such a sweet gift!!

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This is really neat! I love how it adds both texture and color to the photo.

Thank you so much!