Embroidered Pin

Made this pin using a covered-button kit as the base.

For the sheer petals, I took apart an ugly pre-made flower that I’d gotten at a thrift store over a year ago in a “grab bag” of things.

It’s inspired by something I saw on Pinterest. The other crafter’s version was better, of course… Things are never as easy as they look!


It’s so pretty! I love that you upcycled an unloved flower and changed it into something beautiful!


It’s really pretty!

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Thanks! Now that I look at the picture, I can see that I need to fray-check the ends of the green ribbon.


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So pretty and delicate!

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This is beautiful!

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It is lovely!

Also, ingenious use of a covered button kit. It’s seems like a neat way to make all sorts of fiber pins :thinking:


I think it’s lovely!

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Thanks, everyone!

Yes, covered buttons work pretty well. I had to take it apart a bit so that the back would be flat. Also put a very thin layer of batting between the embroidered fabric and the metal backing piece.