Embroidering on photo quilts: Jackson Church

In 2018, I was stuck inside for a couple months. To keep myself amused, I participated in Project Quilting challenges. In addition to trying to meet the specific theme, I added my own personal challenge of using photos that represented Western expansion in the 1800s. This little church was built during that time. It is still standing today and is the church where I got married. It is known for it’s beautiful flower gardens.

I tried to show those with some french knots.

Then I just did some random stitches to emphasize the church itself. It is a tiny little quilt but it makes me happy.


This is lovely!

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Lovely! I like the flowers but also the random sky stitches - a good background choice!

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What a beautiful memento!

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Fun tastic rendition of an important event in your life. Be sure to print the history on paper. Attach it or enclose it , however it’s presented. A friend of mine taught me how important time-taking things like this are cherished by those left behind.

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That came out beautifully!

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Thank you everyone.

It’s absolutely stunning!

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That’s beautiful and such a sweet memory to embroider. Lovely design!

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