We had Christmas with our kids today (finally… thank you Covid) and I had procrastinated some of my Christmas ATCs because I hadn’t been feeling well.
So this one is for my Son In Law… his family was having a rough time about 2 weeks before Christmas (parents both got Covid and his grandfather died within the same week) so I made his folks a big batch of enchiladas. Feeding yourself when you feel like crap is the worst, so I thought I’d help. He and my daughter don’t live WITH them, but they do live on his parents’ property in their own place.
My daughter had some other family in town visiting and they were going out to dinner. She called my SIL to see if he wanted to join them, but he said, “No way! Your mom just brought over enchiladas!” My daughter told me about it later, and it sure made me feel special! I wanted him to know how much I appreciated that!