Fabric collage skull hoodie

I am so pleased with how this skull hoodie turned out. I considered outlining it with dark purple floss, but I think I will just leave it as is.

The tutorial calls for basting spray. I didnt have any. I used an Elmer’s glue stick to place everything and masking tape to hold large sections in place until I was ready to stitch.

Pinterest inspiration with tutorial:


This turned out so cool! And also, cheerful!

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This is so cool!

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Wow, I love this!!!

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Very cool and I love how the flower looks like hair on the skull!

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I love it!!! Absolutely awesome my friend!

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:snowflake: Congratulations! Your project is SNOW wonderful, it’s featured this week! :snowflake:


I love fabric collages! You did a really great job on this. What a fun hoodie!

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Aww! Thank you so much. :heart:

That came out so nice!

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So cool. Those colors look good together.

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