Fairy Mushrooms watercolor

My kids and I had a little extra time and the end of our school week, so we decided to follow a watercolor tutorial together. I wanted to try a new watercolor paper I got, and I wanted to try a new technique (the background). The tutorial was for some mushrooms…and we decided that they should be fairy houses. We roughly followed the instructions, but changed a bunch of details. The new paper isn’t great, but it’ll work just fine for practice. The top picture is mine, the middle picture is my daughter’s, and the bottom picture is my son’s. We all thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon painting together, which is the most important part.


These are so cute!

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These came out lovely! I love that you were able to paint with your kids! What a great family time memory.


Very sweet!

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How fun! Love how different each is despite following the same tutorial. Family art time is the best. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Love this. :heart_eyes:

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:green_heart: :green_heart: Congratualations! The adorable mushrooms are a FEATURED PROJECT! :green_heart: :green_heart:
Thank you for sharing your talent with Lettuce Craft!


These are all adorable! Your kiddos did beautiful work.

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Adorable! I love how free and expressive your son’s is! :slight_smile:

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These are all so marvellous but my gosh, the last one is my ultimate favourite. So dreamy & fantastic!

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Such a cool idea to do an online art lesson w your children! :heart:
They all look great!

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