Favorite Character Swap Gallery

Hello! Share your wonderful goodies here!

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Hopefully my partner receives soon!

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I received from @Dfabbric last week, but thanks to a series of unfortunate events, I was not able to take pictures or post until now.

My favorite characters were Gideon Nav and Harrowhark Nonagesimus from The Locked Tomb series (Gideon the Ninth, Harrow the Ninth, and Nona the Ninth.

My partner made two pieces of wall art for me. One is inspired by one of my pins on Pinterest (censored for the gallery), and the other is a quote from Edvard Munch, also from my Pinterest.

I had an old frame that I had been saving for a special occasion, so I framed this up to hang on the wall!

I turned the other into a TM-style patch that will be hung on the wall until I sew it onto my denim jacket.

Here are both together. Thank you @Dfabbric! I have really enjoyed doing this swap.


This is so neat! The frame works perfectly with it. I love that the skeleton has rainbow glasses!
Cool quote with the patch, too!

That’s really cool, is the cross stitch on denim?

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Yes, that’s a piece of denim. I didnt want to stitch on either black or white because those are the main colours.


I got my package from @Wildblue
She crocheted Hatsune Miku and it is amazing. I love how cute she is. All the details are perfect.
Thank you SO much


I’m so glad you like her, she was my first crocheted doll.


She’s so well made, you did a great job


I love that series and these pieces are amazing and perfect!

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Your first? Wow! She looks amazing. All those details are fantastic. Shes a cutie!

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Omg I received from @TruGritty ! They sent me the most amazing sampler for Blackbeard of Our Flag means Death and the cutest collaged card, packed with printed memes from the show.
Here’s a close up of the sampler:

Where it lives now!

Thank you so much TruGritty! You made a beautiful piece and it so perfectly fits me, the show and the character. I put little memes all over my apartment too, they made me laugh so hard.


We had TWO amazing cross stitches this round!
I especially love those dancing skeletons. Too cute!

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