Felt body for the kiddos

I made this felt body for our kindergarten two years ago. All the organs have Velcro on the back.


EEP!! I’ve wanted to make one of these for my kids for the lonnnnngest time. Did you use a pattern or just wing it?

I would have loved this as a kid! Who am I kidding? I love it now!


This is fun, aight!

Very cool! I love it!

This is super cool!

Love this one! Anything anatomy is wonderful and this has the perfect look to the pieces.

I’ve seen those and so wanted to make my own, but my kid is too old for this, however, I do have a baby nephew that will be “ready” in a few years XD

It looks great, so good that kids get to learn what is in the body, really well put together as well :smiley:

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I love this!!!

Love this!!! I am with sweets! I have wanted to make one for such a long time.

That. Is. AWESOME!

I tried hard to find a pattern but ended up making my own. I used my son’s outline for the body :smile:


This is amazing! I bet the kiddos love this!

that makes it even better


I love that you are teaching them so young. I teach HS anatomy and kids come to me knowing so little about their body. :flushed:

So cool!

Fabulous ! My older brother had a plastic “Visible Man” back in the '60s. I could never get all the pieces in right. This would have been way more fun.

Awesome! But the important question is: does it end up scrambled all the time in the classroom? Because I can see kids putting the liver where the brain goes and giggling madly…

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I’m in the autopsy program at my college and honestly I want one of these for myself haha. It’s so cute!


They store it in a box I guess and take it out whenever they need it. I’m sorry, my description was a bit ambiguous… I made this for my children’s kindergarten. They asked me if I could make it for them (because they know that I sew a lot).