Felt Kitty Cat Magnet for a Vet

Behold, the adorable felt kitty magnet I made for my veterinarian friend’s birthday. :sparkling_heart:

An hour before I had to leave for her party… :laughing: Oh, dear…

Her actual gift was a gift card, but it felt boring to just hand her that, and I wanted her to have a cute little trinket or treat to go along with it. Buuuuut my work week had been awful, and my brain just remembered extremely last minute. On the other hand, yay opportunity to use the new wool-blend felt my husband gave me for Christmas! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Here’s the adorable idea I found on Pinterest and thought “Yes, let’s make that!”

The Pin just linked to a basic jpg image, and I was rushed, so I printed two black and white copies and just cut out the pieces. Then I decided it needed a tail, so I drew one on scrap paper and cut that out, too.

Here you can see the “pattern” pieces double-stick-taped to the felt, which is how I like to cut out smaller pieces for things like this.

And here you can just see the felt bits ready for assembly. You may notice something missing…

Like the backing piece that’s obviously needed if you want to actually applique something… sigh Like I said, absolute rush. Do not be like me…

At this point, as you can tell, I panicked and stopped taking pictures and used Loctite Liquid Super Glue to attach a flat rectangular magnet to the back, which took up most of the back area, and used Aleene’s Fast Grab Tacky Glue to stick the felt bits to each other and glue the backing on. Then I realized I really should have done the embroidering first… Cue the bizarrely fiddly process of pulling the edges apart and shoving a needle in between all the glued layers while avoiding the magnet that I couldn’t sew through to make the decorations and the face. :woman_facepalming: The fact that it still came out pretty adorably and I didn’t bleed on anything was marvelous!

I have since found the actual pattern the Pin was from, and it’s on Etsy here from the seller “LilPuddingPatterns.” If you want to make one, I would strongly recommend just buying her cute pattern instead of cobbling things together like the spastic craft goblin I was for this project. :rofl:

On the happy end of things, it was cute, and my friend was delighted when she saw it and then gave an extra loud squeal of joy when I told her it was a magnet. She hung it on her fridge immediately. :gift_heart: So, all in all, still a success! :grin: :+1:


Super cute!

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Thank you! If I do it again, I will do it more thoughtfully (with the pattern), but I’m thrilled she loved it anyway. :slight_smile:

Your story was great! Oh, and yes, you should be thrilled at the outcome! It is adorable…and I find your kitty face actually conveys some of the trauma you experienced in making this…it is precious!

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This is super cute!

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Ha! You’re right, @AIMR He did come out a bit stunned-looking. :laughing: I agree it feels appropriate. :wink:

Thank you, @jellybean ! I enjoyed the outcome. :cherry_blossom:


Super cute! That little button just slays me.

But also,

needs to made into an adult merit badge!


Thank you so much! Yes, I got those buttons from a doll supply website almost 15 years ago, and I have been hoarding them for special projects. I think they are 2 mm! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Also, YES! New adult merit badge! :joy: That would be perfect so often. :sweat_smile:


This is very cute! Yay for homemade gifts too!

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Thank you! And I agree completely; it’s amazing to received something that someone made just for me.

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So cute! And what a labor of love- all the crazy hoops you jumped through

And I love the adult merit badge idea. :star_struck:

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