Final work for the academy

For the end of the year we had to make a 3 pieces art-work (it could be any mediumà. I chose for acryl painting as that’s my weakest point.
I always add a poem to my work and it’s created while painting

On our way to……
In a meadow bright, a tree stands tall,
Its branches wide, where children call,
In play and laughter, joy abounds,
In youthful years, no cares are found.
Among the leaves, a child does swing,
Their heart as light as birds in spring,
The world a wonder, vast and free,
A time of dreams, of purest glee.

Then shadows lengthen, time moves on,
The carefree days of youth are gone,
A tangled tree, a twisted fight,
A search for self in dark of night.
In branches thick, a form does hide,
A struggle fierce, from side to side,
“Who am I?” the silent plea,
A quest for truth, identity.
Through storms and trials, winds that blow,
The tree stands firm, begins to grow,
From chaos blooms a strength anew,
A deeper self, a vision true.

At last, the tree and person merge,
A single form, a steady surge,
From head and heart, the branches spread,
With leaves of green and blossoms.
The trunk is strong, the roots are deep,
In earth and sky, a vigil keep,
Ready now for life’s demands,
A spirit grown, with steady hands.
In youthful play, in searching stride,
In firm resolve where dreams abide,
The tree of life, through ages past,
Stands tall and true, complete at last.


Amazing work!
Both the three paintings and the poem(s)!

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Oh wow! Love your painting and your poems too! :orange_heart:

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Lovely paintings and poems!

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Gorgeous work. I love the flow and how they compliment each other.


I love how they are so cohesive yet stand wonderfully on their own. Beautiful work!

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This whole project is absolutely stunning! Thank you for sharing it with us

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:sunglasses: :cucumber: Cool as a cucumber, this project is featured this week! :cucumber: :sunglasses:


Absolutely beautiful!

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Such beautiful work!

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