First foray into card making

June is a very popular birthday month in my family and friend circle. I’ve had a few requests for handmade items, but life has been too busy for me to be able to commit to bigger projects. I’m already starting my Christmas crafting :joy:

To make up for it, I decided to attempt to make a handmade shaker card. Filled with glitter for a colleague’s birthday.

Our team mascot is a black and white cat and a pure black cat. So I tried to incorporate them into the card as well.

I painted the background of the card with metallic watercolours.

I ordered clear acetate to contain the glitter, unfortunately I didn’t check my measurements and it wasn’t wide enough. My cardstock arrived and was stored in a stiff plastic bag. I cut this up and used it instead.

I piece everything together with lots of double sided tape.


I love the colour combination :blue_heart: :green_heart: :purple_heart:

I hope your colleague loves the card!


Awesome way to make their day special! Love the personal touches.


I love the sequence on the side, and the cats are fun! Pat on the back for improving and making it work with what you had! It turned out cute.


Nice pivot! I bet your card was well-received!

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