I learned how to make the flowers years ago, but never bothered to make enough to assemble a ball. It has bugged me all this time and I just had to make one
It took 60 post-it notes for all the petals! plus two more for the butterfly.
I am not sure if I am happy with the design of the stuff hanging off the bottom. I think that I would have preferred a tassel, but this was the best I could come up with, with what supplies I had.
I would love to try to make other kusudama designs, but this one was nice and simple, which was well suited for my limited origami skills
You have to help me - i make these at work because i get all these pauses where i have to wait a minute or two on my computer and what better to do than fold a petal or two of a kusudama ball? The centers of your flowers are so pretty. What did you do there?
The centers on mine look just like your pink kusudama, I just glued on some plastic crystals to make them sparkly
(In a world where you can be anything, be kind.)
adding post-it notes onto list of crafting supplies
I think it is beautiful and not simple at all. I definitely think the hanging at the bottom as you have it is the way to go. Much more exciting than a tassle.