I’d been photography flowers for years, never knowing how they’d turn out until the film was developed. When I got my first digital camera, a whole new world opened up because I was no longer wasting anything trying to get the best shot. One day I noticed I’d caught a bug in the photo and that sort of became a new ‘thing’ to try for. These are a few of my best …
Ooh, I love that bzzz coming in for a cosmo landing!
Tell me more!
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
NYtimes puts out daily puzzles that include a mini crossword, regular crossword, Wordle, Vertex, Tiles, Spelling Bee and a few more. I get it as a paid subscription to the NYTimes.
Spelling Bee is where they give you 7 letters with a center letter that must be used in all the words. You try to make as many words as you can with those 7 letters, minimum of 4 letters. They tell you how many words there are possible. If you get them all, you are a Queen Bee! I have been on a streak and have been Queen Bee for 4 months in a row now!
It is part of my morning coffee routine to do all the puzzles.
They include a photo submitted by the public that has a bee in it…they have all been lovely!