Fodder folder

Inspired by some of you lovelies, I made a fodder folder. It is pretty roomy, maybe too much so, but there is room for additional pages if I need them.


Thatโ€™s a great idea!

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I spy that precious mushroom scrap in there!
Looks beautiful & useful.

No, itโ€™s not a safety. Itโ€™s some spoonflower fabric of a photo of my journals, of which one is covered with that precious fabric. :grin:

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Oh, that would be a way to get more of that fabric!

Yes, I have been thinking of that, but I donโ€™t have enough to photograph a full repeat :sob:

:heart_eyes: I love functional art. Well done!

Itโ€™s really charming on itโ€™s own, but then cram packed with more goodies? Yes, please!

(rotary cutter for scale) :wink:

Clever AND useful!

Clever way to get more of a fabric you love! The folder is very cool.

I love how you always build your own crafting needs. well done.