I tried the lesson Hiding in Plain Sight by Traycee Alane. The class involved making a free form background with pens and paint, and then discovering a creature in the shapes. Then you bring it out and add features with paint and crayons and pencils and whatever you feel like. It was a lot of fun!
The class was only free for 24 hours, but was part of a year long deal you could sign up for (https://www.artismagic.online/). Check out the LC craftalong for heaps more awesome ideas and inspiration!
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
Love the texture you got! sounds like a fun class…I often see hidden items in odd things like floor tiles, wallpaper, etc. I will have to check out some of the classes.
I love all the layering and textures on this. I also love how some of the background shows through and highlights on his belly. Amazing work. I hope you do more!