From shirt to planter cover

I got these big white buckets to use as planters. They were budget-friendly (free from a bakery–they were icing buckets) but they aren’t the prettiest… So I whipped up a fabric cover with fabric from the stash. This was a shirt I picked up from a thrift shop because I liked the pattern, but the pattern wasn’t centered so I didn’t like wearing it :stuck_out_tongue:

There is a thin elastic band threaded through the top to keep it in place, and I made essentially a little sack with a circle bottom. Excited to try some more! Thanks for looking!


That looks great!

It sure doesn’t look like just a bucket now!

Awesome repurposing! The fabric is lovely and really dresses up the bucket!

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What a great idea & execution!

So creatively clever!!

Wow! Great way to upscale that bucket; it looks quite fancy now. And good that you found a way to save what you loved about the shirt, and to repurpose it.

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That’s a great idea. It really snazzes up the planter!


So smart! Lovely fabric choice too.

Wow! I would never have thought of something like this! It’s both brilliant and beautifully done!