Fruit garden crochet blanket-picture heavy!

Inspired by this post by @HelenR-H Fruit Garden Blanket I decided I had to make one.

Mine is a different colorway, it’s a free pattern by Janie Crow. She’s a most generous crafter, free pattern and loads of hours of YouTube tutorials on how to do it. Goodness I needed the tutorials! This is the biggest thing I’ve ever made. And I learned so much by doing this project.

There are a ton of mistakes, but crochet is so forgiving that you don’t really notice the mistakes. Although the flamingos are checking it carefully to see if it’ll pass muster. It’s a little frosty here in Ireland this morning.

Taking a break from crochet for a while, as it is tough on the fingers, but I absolutely love it

It’s going to live in this corner, this is where I have my morning cuppa and read, at the weekends.


It’s absolutely stunning!! And it’s soooooo much work. And as always, finished in record speed. I’m not sure how long it took you but I seem to remember it was just halfway done the other day? I’m sure the flamingos are as impressed as I am.

Also, can I come and visit you and sit in that corner every now and then? :heart_eyes: It’s the perfect spot for that blanket, it looks really cosy.


Darling, it came out so amazingly! It’s truly special. Well worth the sore fingers. Beautifully done my friend.

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Goodness, this is epic! Beautiful work; I’m sure it will make the perfect accessory for cozy reading.

P.S. Your flock of flamingos kills me! There’s a running joke here that it’s the “national bird” of one of our suburbs, but I think you’ve got them beat.


What a wonderful project to tackle! The results are perfect for your cozy reading corner!

I love how it looks modern and yet vintage and well loved…the colors are fresh but the pattern is traditional!

Just love it! I guess the flamingos found no visible flaws, so you let them back in from the cold! ha


Not that fast! I should have said how long it took. It was about three months in the evenings watching TV. Not that I saw any TV I had to concentrate!

And yes, visit, I’ll put the kettle on.

@wittychild lawn flamingos are not a thing in Ireland, it’s taken me years to collect this many. I adore them


Oh, girl, this is fabulous - Fa-Bu-Lous! Did you make the patchwork slip cover on the chair as well? Everything looks so beautiful in that corner, I love it & I cannot wait to visit you & see it, & you in it, in person!


This blanket is a marvel! It manages to look both cozy and also spring-y!

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I did make the cover, from upholstery fabric samples. I love the table cloth, it’s a thrift shop find, all hand embroidered.

I.cannot.wait until you get here! So excited for the summer :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


It looks great and it’s perfect on that chair. Such a great spot for it!

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Tgis is all crochet! So pretty and welcoming.

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Wow wow wow wow wow! I love this so much & that corner of joy where it will live!

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Incredible!! I can’t believe that’s a free pattern…it looks so intricate. It looks perfect in that cozy corner…swoon.

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It’s so pretty and I love where it’ll live. Crochet can be very hard on the hands, but I’m so glad you finished it. So worth it.

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So… (I know @HelenR-H )… did you
a. drink as much prosecco as she did when creating those flowers?
b. swear as much?

It looks lovely, and well done on all the effort needed to put that together!!

I saw the thumbnail with all the flamingoes and knew who had posted this!! :rofl:


Hahaha… very good questions!

Absolutely beautiful work. I love your colourway.
And feeling rather humbled to have inspired anyone to do something.


I drank much of the prosecco, but perhaps not at the same time, there was plenty of colourful language.


Simply amazing. Wow.

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What a beautiful blanket. I would not want to put my body against that beauty lol! I would have it hanging up.


Your blanket is beautiful!

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