Garden Critters ATCs

When one thinks of garden pests, caterpillars, beetles, aphids, and whiteflies come to mind. But what about those adorable creatures like bunnies and deer?

Yeah, not so cute when they’ve mowed down your micro greens and heirloom veggies…little rascals!


Awwww, what adorable little pains in the arse you have here! :grin:

They wear their cuteness as a shield for all the mayhem they cause in our gardens!

Ohhh, buuunnnyyy… So cute! If they came to my yard and ate up all the veg I might not be so enamored but we’ve got a big ole fence that keeps every leaf lover out. Only the wild cats get in. Now there is a neighbourhood pest I’ve had enough of. They don’t nibble, they POOP! lol

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With their adorable faces, they can do no wrong!
Can you blame them for wanting fresh micro greens? :rofl:

A pest is a pest is a pest…

But, it is hard when they are adorable! Love the background you used on all three!

Okay seriously, I couldn’t be mad at any of these cuties!

Those are so cute, they must be innocent :innocent:

Adorable nuisances! I like the background paper you used as well and the rounded corners make the ATCs … softer? Something.

I took care of the bunnies by putting chicken wire in the holes in our fence and since we’re in suburbia we don’t worry about deer… but those squirrels! They eat the apples off my tree and when the garden isn’t in full swing, they’re stealing my birdseed!

The itty bitty carrot!! Love.

too cute