Geometric Tapestry Crochet Bag

I shared this on the old site but wanted to bring it over to the new one as well because I’m pretty dang proud of how this ended up turning out.

This bag was created for my partner, @Kwality570 , in the Make a Friend Swap. We were supposed to get to know each other and craft something for them based on what we learned. I learned that Kwality liked geometric patterns. That, combined with my desire to make something that could be useful, I settled with designing and making her a fun tapestry crochet bag!

here is the grid design I created -

And here are all of the process pictures I took along the way-

Once I reached the desired height (which I totally neglected to measure), I took care of sewing in the couple of tails, and attached 4 D rings to the outside of the bag for the straps to attach to. I unfortunately didn’t get a chance to take a pic of this step. Here are some action shots of the final thing!

The handles have snap closures so that they can be removed easily in case the bag needs to be washed (which is 100% machine washable and dryable!) or the handles need to be replaced. The Julius Paul Frank Charm was needle felted as a small item for the package. I thought the bag needed a cute charm with a tassel to complete the look! :star_struck:

Happy to report that my inner Craft Demon didn’t even have to push me into this one! :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I find it fascinating to create your own design on paper and then see it take shape through yarn.

Anyhoo, thanks for lookin! :sparkling_heart:


the graph is as pretty as the bag!

I absolutely love this! The colors are fab, the design is awesome!

Wow! I can barely crochet a scarf, so this looks like such a big project. I’m impressed!

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That is one amazing bag!! All designed and made by yourself, just amazing!


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I tried to do something like this once, so I know how challenging and time-consuming it is! Yours is just so fabulous!!! When I tried, my stitches did not want to line up perfectly like yours-they kept drifting one stitch over… :confounded: Did you encounter that issue?

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Beautiful design and execution! You had one lucky swap partner!

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Wow, that is super impressive! It looks great!

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This was one of the last things i pulled off the Dead Site. Tapestry is ON.MY.LIST, and I love the MCM vibe yours has going.


Whoa! That is stunning. I can crochet, but have never done a pattern like this. I am not sure where to even begin to wrap my brain around the concept. This is so cool.

Thank you!

Initially when I started doing tapestry crochet in the round, I had trouble lining up the rows while also avoiding the inevitable “lean” that the pattern wanted to do. My first tapestry crochet bag, I couldn’t figure out how to effectively do the whole pattern in the round without it coming out “wonky” so I added solid colored sides to avoid the issue entirely lol. That way I was just creating repeat panels for each side.

For this project, I struggled a bit in the beginning, but found that if I chained one to start the new row and then do my stitches as normal (not counting the chain one as a stitch) that helped. Also, crocheting in the back loops only also help mitigate the “lean” the pattern wants to do as well. It’s still there, of course, just not as obvious as it would have been otherwise I think. I used tons of stitch markers also to help me with the color changes and pattern repeats until I got the hang of things. Believe me, there was still tons of frogging because I would miscount all the time but I feel it was worth the effort. :slight_smile:


WELL worth the effort! It looks perfect to me!

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Oh yes to me too!! :ok_hand:t2:

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Woah it’s like magic. Super cool; I love the pattern you designed and the colors you selected for it!!

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Loved it on the other site, love it on this one. You did such an amazing job on it. I’m so glad you shared here too. Well done!

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I remember this! I love everything about it. You really nailed it!

And I love the bag so much! It makes an amazing project bag for knit or crochet. :slight_smile:

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You should be dang proud, it’s amazingly cool!

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Wow. How did I miss this beaut the first time round? I’m so glad you decided to post pictures of it here. Everything about it is perfect!

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Such an amazing bag - and your own design!