I was so excited to have made this extra large cushion for my little nephew who turns 4 today - I gave it to him yesterday and he grabbed it and ran away cuddling it - happy heart!
I used my current favourite quilt block - the Economy Block (or, Square in a Square). The top is quilted and the back is closed with a zip … of which I forgot to take a photo
The insert is the 65cm Ikea feather cushion insert, so it’s super squishy and lovely
Oh gosh. This is AMAZING! It looks so, so good!! I might have to copy if that’s okay, but with a different subject matter. I also love all the shapes the economy block makes with the color contrasts you chose. And, my favorite little detail is how the curve of the pillow and the way that the diagonal of the corner and outer blocks go…you can see a big “circle” in the cushion.
Absolutely stunning job my friend. (In the best possible way) it looks like something you bought at Pottery Barn or some other high end store. I’m sure he’s going to love snuggling with it.
I see the circle too, but my favorite is the X that I can see in the shapes and colors on the front. Combined with the awesome color combinations you choose, I think it looks like an atom of sorts! Super fun. I can see why he loved it so much he ran off with it!
@Whistlefish can’t wait to see what you come up with! These are 6 inch blocks, I first used this tutorial But now I do it off the top of my head :P. I start with a 1/4 inch extra which just saves hassle when you are trimming
The block placement is lots of fun! As there are SO many possibilities with pattern. When I look at it today my eyes are drawn to the dark 2x2 square.
I really loved my foray into solids with this cushion cover and I see a lot more of them in my future