Grab Bag - LC 23 - GALLERY

I made a separate Post with a link to the YouTube tutorial. They are really easy to make once you get the hang of it. I had to fold paper to visually see it.


These are lovely and I adore the rich, Fall colors. I am going to check out your post to see how they are done.

Also, thanks for making a separate post. If it’s good enough to send, it should be good enough to get its own post. :wink: So… if you haven’t posted what you made yet, why not?! Go ahead and share with the community!!!

And that concludes this round of the Grab Bag swap. Next round will be the letters SF. When is everyone hoping for another round? Does February sound good? Or too soon? I was thinking it would give everyone a chance to try out the new goodies they get for the holidays.


Beautiful baskets @AIMR!


Thank you!! :smiley: SO useful!!

When my son was in school and taking geometry, I used to make examples in paper for him to see because he had difficulty “translating” 2 dimensional images into the 3 dimensional objects they were supposed to represent.

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those are fantastic!!!