Granny Square Hyperfixation!

Soooo, my latest hyperfixation has been granny squares. I think they’re just so darn satisfying because I can finish them so quickly and have a complete pretty little square to look at. :slight_smile: I’m also really excited because I’m going to do a fun long-term swap with @storerboughtcreations . We have no due date or anything, so no pressure, just whenever we feel like making things for each other, but we’re going to make granny squares and swap with each other to make some cute collaborative quilts! The idea is to do two each of every pattern we make, keeping one and sending the other to our partner, so that in the end we each half a quilt made by both of us!

I’ve been using Scheepjes stone-washed, river-washed, and catona yarns, so they’re all either cotton or mostly cotton, and dk or fingering weight, and trying to keep my squares about 5.5" square. I’m using patterns from several different books so they sometimes come out different sizes, so I’ve modified a few, either leaving off rows or shortening them from dc to hdc, or adding rows to get them to the right size. I’m also having fun using ALL THE COLORS.

So far I’ve made 27! Here they all are together:

I’m planning to keep the top two rows. The bottom two rows are the ones I made for SBC; they’re all the same patterns as the first two rows but in colors I chose for her. :slight_smile:

Here’s a big satisfying stack XD

I just checked, and it looks like I started making these exactly one month ago. So I’ve been making almost an average of one square a day! I’m sure I won’t keep this pace up forever, but I’m really happy with it for now!


Remember not too long ago when you were just starting to learn how to crochet? Look at you now! This will be fabulous when it’s done, can’t wait to see it!

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Thanks!! Yeah, I remember really well when @storerboughtcreation taught me how to crochet in February 2020, right before lockdown started. It was good timing, since I had a lot of time at home to craft right after that. ^^; It’s really been a wonderful part of my life since then and I’m so grateful to my great friend for teaching me!! <3 <3 (And for this community for the support and advice as well!! XD)


Those are great and what a lovely idea. I think my favourite is this from the left top row, the 3d flower. Can you remember where you got the pattern for that one?

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What a lovely gesture and keepsake for the two of you! The squares are fantastic!

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Thanks! Yes, that flower is from A Year of Granny Squares, which has been my favorite book so far and which is the basis for the size I’ve been trying to unify the others to. It’s got a lot of really cute designs for all seasons!

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Wow, what a great collaboration! It will be so fun to see the finished blankets!

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ACK! What a cute and fun collection of granny squares you have made so far! I just love how they look all laid out together. What glorious afghans these are going to make along with the whatever magic SBC makes!

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So fun and colorful! That stack IS satisfying!!

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Those lions are aamazing! I love this so much!!!

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Gorgeous and I love the idea of making a collab quilt! What an amazing idea. Because I love all things cute, the little lion/bear/critter is my absolute favorite. :slight_smile:

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