Granny Square Purse

I was looking to make an entirely different bag when I started but the yarns were unsupportive of my plan and this evolved instead. It gives me some “queen of hearts” vibes, though that wasn’t my intention either. Ah well, the yarn wants what the yarn wants!

(The last pic is from Kidlet who wanted to show some things inside the bag.)

It has a sturdy but flexible bag bottom from Hobbii and I actually sewed(!) in a lining. It’s doubled so that what peeks through the g-square has “fabric right-side” wee hearts, too. I do wish I had put something in it to stiffen it up a bit so it was more sharp looking than sag-rific but eh, completed is better than perfect, right? Next time.

Some in-progress pics:

Thanks for looking!


So cute! :heart_eyes: And yay for crossing a WIP off the list!

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Thank you!

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Gorgeous bag!

This made me laugh so hard:


haha, thanks!

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Sewing linings into crochet bags is not fun, in my opinion, good job!

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Thank you! It was decidedly not fun and if I ever decide to sew into black yarn again maybe someone can hold an intervention. haha


I’ve quit using black yarn for anything, too hard on my eyes.


The inside fabric matches so well.

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I just had a “duh” moment reading your post: Why didn’t I think to double the lining so something nice peeks through the crochet!!!?

Your bag turned out so cute! Love the size and the color. Great job on the lining…

Well, I have four more bags to line, so I can use your double up trick! Thanks!


It’s soooo cuuuuuute! I love the sweet heart and the stripe-y surprise on the side, but dang it goes great with those handles.

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Thank you so much, friends!

@AIMR I’m sure you’ll think of this for your project, but in case anyone else is playing along I really want to say adding some stabilizer to anything you’d like to stay flat is highly recommended. I think it would give it that more professional look.

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Adorable inside and out.

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I actually prefer not to stabilize knit or crochet bags. I like the floppy feel of the yarn and don’t want the lining to take that away. I also like to make the lining a bit larger because when you fill the bag, the yarn will stretch to accommodate…personal preference.


So cute!

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@AIMR I agree. I think if this wasn’t a single g-square face I wouldn’t care that it kept losing definition. I wouldn’t feel that way about a rounder bag or one with more of a tote style. And I’m also in the “do I even like this thing” phase of finishing a long term WiP so I may be a bit harsh on the little fella.


It’s adorable!! I love the striped sides, too.

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So adorable! I like your attention to detail with the fabric and having the hearts facing outwards as well! I was thinking when I saw the post in the other thread that the sides would be black or black and red, but the stripes are really fun. Good idea to show it with items inside of it, too. Give your kiddo a high five from me!


This is so flippin’ CUTE! :heart:

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