Happy Little Sun

For the Sunshine & Rainbows Swap I decided to try my hand at making a paper mache sun with a little rainbow heart for my partner, @kittykill. I love the look of paper mache creations and there was a Domestika course I’d just bought… So I took a leap and I love the end result. There’s a wire hanger on the back so it can be hung. The finished piece is around 7x7".

Process pics!
My initial sketch

After transferring to foam core, I cut out two versions (the top one with the heart removed).

Then I glued them together and used masking tape on the edges.

Next it was time for paper mache!

Ready to paint


This is so lovely! And perfect for kittykill.


Wow! How adorable!! Thanks for sharing your construction pics.


I can’t express how much i love this! Its so cute and creative. You sun looks so happy! Perfection all the way around!


I love the way you did this! So very clever! And it’s SOOOO cute!

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This turned out great! What a cute way to decorate a space. :purple_heart:

This is so cute! I love the recessed heart and how it contrasts with the raised cheeks.

You did such a wonderful job! I love it. It makes me so happy.

Thank you, @MistressJennie, @Abbeeroad, @gozer, @Bunny1kenobi, @Manders, @TheMistressT!

@kittykill, I’m so glad it makes you happy! Mission accomplished.


Super cute! I love the texture of papier-mâché, so dimensional & funky. This is really cheerful and sweet.

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Thank you!