Happy Mail Craftalong 2021 ~ Monthly themes and Birthdays too!

I am taking a break for the summer but will be back to crafting in autumn!


Ooh, fun! Can I put my kid in for February B-days? She loves pink and gold and magic and basically all animals. (probably avoid kid TV shows/movies that aren’t Frozen or My Little Pony, tho, as most other things seem to have gone out of favor) You can address cards to Megatherium, or pm me for her real name. :green_heart:


I added the info to the Birthday list :partying_face:


I’m Cindy and I live in central MA, in what was just designated the snowiest city in America (but I’m not sure I believe it, in spite of all of the snow we get… surely Buffalo gets more than we do!). I love science, and nature, and books, and mysteries. I have an obscenely huge collection of rubber stamps (and polymer stamps) that are itching to be used to make cards. I love getting things in the mail, and so maybe by getting Happy Mail, I won’t shop online as much :wink: So, you’d all be helping me to save towards a new kitchen :smile:


Hi, I’m Ren.
I’m in England. The only mail I get is boring stuff and junk. I’d love some happy mail. I was in a FB group many years ago and remember someone sending me a ribbon bracelet with a stamped metal bit with a quote from my pinterest. It came at a really low time and brightened up my days.

I need a distraction from the endless lockdown tv that I am (not really) watching, just sitting in front of! Happy to chat and make things to bring cheer to others.

I’m settling into my flat so happy to accept lovely things as decoration. My walls are a plain grey colour with the plan to brighten them up with ‘stuff’.

For reference: I don’t like chocolate or slugs and snails, the creepy crawlies give me a physical reaction even in picture form. Ugh!
Also, I don’t drink caffeine, stopped last year when we went into lockdown because I never drank enough tea at home to use up the milk and that was an issue. A week’s long headaches on stopping and massive headaches when I accidentally drank a cup of tea (after a fire a few doors up and I couldn’t get back into my flat so went to a friends for a cuppa as we Brits do), has kept me off caffeine!

ETA: you can ask me or @Reinikka for my address if you want to send things


Hello! I’m Susie and I live in Oregon (USA). I love receiving happy mail of all sorts so artist’s choice is always welcome.

I love all colors, but tend to lean more towards bright colors and b&w prints. Artists I enjoy are Edward Gorey, Michael Sowa and Sunny Buick. Some randoms: I love pressed flowers, re-purposed material, poetry, quotes, true crime and clocks. I am single and have a dog. I love sweet, I love snarky, I love creepy, profanity is encouraged!

I may, on occasion, send you a (very cool) store bought postcard in lieu of something handmade (in case I’m feeling unmotivated, but would still like to participate - COVID sometimes sucks all the life out of me and it’s hard to feel inspired.) So feel free to send me the same!

You can either pm me or ask @Reinikka for my address.


Oh my goodness, I love this idea so much! I am obsessed with happy mail and love sending/receiving it.

I’m Erika and I live in Massachusetts with my husband and our tiger cat, Tuukka. When I’m not crafting, I’m working as a writer (professionally) and puttering in my garden (my second biggest hobby/obsession.) We started keeping bees this year, so that’s been pretty cool. I have a PEZ collection of an embarrassing magnitude, and no, I don’t display them all. Our backyard birds have been pretty spoiled this year since we have been working from home, but I love wildlife of all kinds. If I didn’t live in Massachusetts I’d live on Sanibel Island in Florida. (My dream location.) I love to make anything with paper/mixed media and have started playing a lot more with my sewing machine. I love the Golden Girls and am probably a Dorothy. (ha.) This has been a hard year for everyone, and I love the idea of making things that can help us cheer each other up!


I’ve had a couple people ask about the theme and if it’s required to play. I say it’s not required because we’re all here to have fun and spread some happy :slight_smile: So I added this to the first post:


Can we make a list on the top post where you use the emoji to let us know if we need to ask the craftalonger for their address or if you have it so we can be sneaky if we are sending just random non-birthday mail?

I like surprise mail so I’d be a :gift:!


Sure! Anyone that wants to trust me to hand out their address can let me know :slight_smile: I’m about to pick up my little guy from pre-school so I’ll add that later tonight or tomorrow :grin:


Ok guys I updated the craftalong description again. Take a quick look and let me know if anything seems off or needs improving :slight_smile: I also added a list of everyone that has expressed interest for quick reference


I am a snail mail junkie! I am quite obsessed with Informed Delivery…it is the first thing I check each morning as I drink my coffee. I sign up for magazines and subscription services just to get mail! My hubby can tell you how disappointed I am when there is nothing!

I also love to send out mail…usually, it is random when something comes across my feed or I get a tidbit of some news that might need a card to be sent to a person. I also like to make random things and share my stash when I can…I am truly trying to reduce my stuff to a manageable size and do projects I really love, like painting, sewing, and hopefully, making some art and junk journals.

I live in North Carolina with two black cats and a great cook named Jim. He is my warrior hunter/gatherer…he does the shopping and cooking and even laundry, leaving me lots of time to do what I like. I live 15 minutes from the beach, so a lot of my time is spent there in warm weather or if I just need a moment to feel small and humble in this universe.

You can ask me for my address and I will also give it to Reinikka…if you show up at my door, I will know how you found me… :laughing:

I like just about anything and don’t care if I have to pay for damages to my craft room wall, I am putting up all the stuff I like and receive on the wall to enjoy…


If anyone would ever like to send some happy mail to my mom, please pm me and I’d be happy to send you her address! She lives alone 2000 miles away from me with a lot of health issues, my brother doesn’t communicate with her, and she is really lonely since my sister passed away last year. She is approaching the 1 year anniversary of my sister’s unexpected death (March 7), so I know she’d really appreciate any cards. Religious cards to her are special, but she would be so grateful for anything. (Just mention you are my friend so she knows.) She always tells me when she gets any mail from me, so I’d definitely be able to let you know.


PM me her address…I get loads of religious cards from various charities and could enclose blanks for her as well!


I think I am going to try and make one card per month with the theme. Looking at flamingos on Google images right now. Pilot has 2 pink flamingo dog toys and they are some of his favs, but they look pretty, uh, well-loved.


I have no idea what to do with the flamingos theme :sweat_smile: But I hope to see pictures of what everyone else comes up with!!!

I also want to add that Happy Mail can be sent to people off of Lettuce Craft and people not participating in the craftalong. So if you make some happy mail for a friend or family member you can share it here too :wink:


I’m working on some Birthday cards today :slightly_smiling_face: it’s a simple design and I thought I would share some pictures here.

I start with my sentiment cut to size and lined with gold ink on the edges


I cut my background piece to be a little taller than the sentiment and a little wider than the card (this way I don’t have to line it up perfectly). I’m using gelli print papers :grin:


After running the pieces through my sticker maker I put it all together. I try to center everything but having extra to trim off the sides really helps!

Here it is all complete:


The design isn’t fancy but the paper is :wink: (at least I think so!) I like to have a few on hand to send out as needed :slightly_smiling_face:


What a lovely idea!

I have such a collection of envelopes and papers that I have collected over the years from just the swap cards I have received…I think I will spend some time this weekend making some cards…

I also have a whole lot of cards I get free from various charities and such trying to solicit donations…I would like to figure out a way to repurpose them since I really don’t like the cards (they are plain or ugly or just not my style…)…I might gesso over them and see what I can come up with…


I am kind of terrible at writing notes/cards, and may just send something random that seemed like a good idea. :laughing:

(That said, I got a birthday card from @Reinikka and it was lovely!)


I made myself an organized address book last year with a place for Birthdays in the front to help me keep track! I think I (mostly) sent Birthday cards out in time to reach everyone who I had a birthday for :smile: Hoping to send more this year! :grin:

Everyone, please act surprised when you get the above design for your Birthday! :sweat_smile: :partying_face: