Happy Mail Craftalong 2021 ~ Monthly themes and Birthdays too!

I think we all recognize that life happens and each of us has our own mountains and valleys all through our lives…I certainly know I have hit some low points and managed to get through them with time, support and encouragement. I was always a bit shy to let people know I was having trouble or not feeling up to things, so my way of dealing is just not to show up at the party!

I have learned people deal differently, but in the end, we seem to end back here and are accepted with open arms again.

NO ONE should feel like a slacker…it is not like anyone sending is under any pressure or time limit…I do it because inspiration hits me and I want to make something or write to someone…and then, I might fall off for a bit…

I enjoy just seeing people make comments and seeing other people get stuff brings me joy as well…I think we call that empathy and that is a good thing these days!

Take care to all who need a virtual hug, or, if not a hugger, a virtual bump!


That’s been me but last night the words just poured out and it felt good to be real.

Thanks everyone for the care and support you’ve shown.


Anything mentionable is manageable. I paraphrase this a lot and find it so helpful. Here is the actual quote:

“Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.” - Fred Rogers


I’ve always really liked sending mail, but do it very little because I always feel like I have to write a lot or have something important to say, but then I feel like if it’s really important then I should call to talk…
It’s a vicious cycle. So I’m enjoying this as an outlet to stretch my mail sending! I went and picked new stamps today - yay! And I’ve made something that I should have enough for everyone - yay!
And it’s at least a little sunny here today, so there’s that. :purple_heart:


I think just seeing a piece of mail in the mailbox that is not a bill or junk mail is nice! I have gotten some cards with a lot being said, and others with just a “hello”…they all make me smile…

Welcome to the craziness…the more the merrier!


Happy mail from @Lynx2Lancerwith many lovely bird photos, they are SO wonderful.

darn it, side ways image. Well, turn your head, they are worth it! I really like them all, will have to find fun projects for each tweeter, thanks Laura!


You’re welcome! I’m sorry I was “lazy” and didn’t send them as cards, but sending internationally is a pain and can be expensive, and I hoped you would find something you’d like to do yourself with the pictures!


Oh, how fun! I just saw this thread so I sent my address over.

For those who don’t know me, I’m PFD, otherwise known as “May” in person. I live in Florida with my guy and three kitties. I make jewelry for a living. I’m a giant Disney geek and I also love sci-fi, fantasy, and an assortment of related fandoms. I’m a MASSIVE Back to the Future fan and I got to meet my unicorn, Michael J. Fox for my birthday in May 2019.

My birthday is May 16th and my favorite flower is the daffodil. We had them growing wild in PA, but sadly, they don’t grow here in Florida. So I miss them and they’re not the most common flower you see represented in themes/products.

Um…I’m a crafter of all trades and I love mail. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yay! Happy you found this amazing craftalong!


I sent my first thing yesterday. Just the one!!
I needed to go to the post office to get stamps and have been putting that off for weeks. Because procrastination, nervousness and just ‘meh’-ness.

But I did some grown-upping at the same time and bought stamps suitable for USA / Canada postage and other stamps that I can use for Europe. I hadn’t noticed anyone in other territories but will get stamps as necessary the next time.

I also managed to do some creative stuff yesterday, I think you guys refer to it as masterboards - I did some practice ones. Not as pretty as some of the ones I’ve seen on here but it’s practice and doing something. It also distracted me from what would normally have been a sociable day of watching Super Saturday in the 6 Nations. Because I was home alone :frowning: But as a bit of a plus, I met a couple of friends for a picnic today and we actually had some laughs!!


Hi, May!!! Glad to see you here!

@magpie love those bird pictures…I am kinda selfish and have been putting them into my journal of favorite things…lol…when I need inspiration or just want a happy moment, I can flip through them…

@renstar–yay for picnics!

I am out of E6000 glue–gasp how did that happen? I am in the middle of a project but I can’t go out until tomorrow…so, guess I will have to make another idea of mine…


It sounds like I need to send you some non-card pictures… :slight_smile:


hmmm…I might need to make a few more spring cards…we are getting more people joining in!!!



I’ve only sent a few things so far, but I’ve got more little cards and things I’m making, and heaps of ideas to work on. Just back from a trip to the post office to get some stamps!!


Just knowing there are so many people that enjoy sending happy mail without feeling like they need/deserve something in return brightens my life :heart: You are all so kind, thoughtful, generous, encouraging, amazing people and I am happy that I get to know you :kissing_heart: I didn’t think this craftalong would take off so well! You guys make me so happy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Same! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who have reached out to send mail to my mom. I was telling her just yesterday who to expect mail from and she is just overwhelmed with happiness in a world that has been lonely for her.


Isn’t it wonderful how just a few words can make a difference? Not bad for a stamp…


I made good progress on my cards. A bunch of happy mail is on the way and I hope to send out more by the end of week. Good that I went for the April theme :joy:


I had this same issue but found a solution. Before you post, crop the photo just a hair, so it’s not full size. Not sure why it matters but when I forget to crop, it goes sideways and when I take a tiny bit off, it straightens up.


You know, I started doing that as well and it was like I had a brand new picture…no idea why, but it works…

I don’t send out to everyone each time I make a card…but hang in there, I’ll get around to you during the craftalong! :slight_smile: