Happy Mail Craftalong 2021 ~ Monthly themes and Birthdays too!

So glad you like it!


Some more happy mail going out today :hugs:


wonderful fish!


I got gorgeous happy mail from @Ewulotta, @kittykill, @megwell, and @Bugaboo!

Thanks so much, they are all beautiful :smile_cat: :rainbow:


I don’t have any Happy Mail plans for July… so I think I’ll try to catch up on replying to the letters I have been receiving :slight_smile:

I received some Happy Mail from @Magpie and @Lynx this week :heart: I’ll share pictures later :slight_smile: Thank you both!!!


I received a teacup card from @Magpie too! Thank you!


I slacked in June, well I slacked in mailing but not in house building and working, but I came up with a good idea so I hope to get mail out next week.


I think we’re all going to have times where we aren’t as active in the craftalong. And that’s ok :slight_smile:


I’ll take all my cards with me on our vacation since I haven’t managed to write any of the July cards yet. Yesterday I wanted to sit down and write at least a few but I finished only one.


Well, well, well…I’ve just realised that not only can I buy stamps online, they also have special edition ones.

Who knew? :woman_shrugging:

I should have realised before!!


I am catching up on all the Happy Mail I have received! You all are such a generous and talented group! Thanks for sending me healing vibes and good wishes for recovering from my surgery. I think smiling is good medicine!

First of all, let me show you how I am temporarily storing my mail…these are the cards and letters I received from February through May…some are out on display and some I am framing so those are not even in this pile! Just look how full the ring is! Love it!

From @Lynx …one of her masterboard masterpieces and a cool metal charm! I am going to turn it into a purse charm so I will have it with me!

From @Whistlefish --just the coolest coloring book card and envelope I have ever seen! This will go into my sea themed guest room!

From @bluebird …always sending nice embellisments for me to use in cards and art! And with hers, from @jemimah …another gorgeous art piece and some Madonna with child stamps that I will use for a project

I have to dump my phone of pics and then take more…I got mail from @Magpie , @Renstar and think I have a couple more I never posted!

Thanks again!


Just one going out today, with lots more lined up and ready to go! Just popping out to get more stamps :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Hello crafty friends!

Sorry I’ve been quiet: I have the most insane life. Lemme tell yah.

Last week of June is my daughter’s birthday–again, thanks for all the love you showed her!–but because of work and child care issues, she had to spend the last day of school/birthday eve and most of her birthday with JW grandparents. She didn’t get nearly the usual pizzazz she’s grown accustomed to, so we decided to take her to a nearby amusement attraction that we hoped would be memorable.

And boy was it ever!

I spoke to a driver who was doing everything he wasn’t supposed to do on the track. It wasn’t until I got up to him and he stood up did I realize he was likely mid- to late teens. He was totally belligerent and in my not finest moment I said, “whatever, just don’t drive like a douche,” and walked away.

That’s when his dad approached me from the other side of the railing and screamed that I’m to not speak to his son, he’s allowed to do whatever he wants because it’s a free country, calls me a stupid fcking btch and refused to go away and finally, when he called me the c-word, I tossed my helmet at his chest and told him to f-off. I did it to get him away from me because he was twice my size, and whereas I hadn’t even raised my voice to his son, he was screaming and being physically aggressive to where I was scared to go on the landing with my Lady Bug.

That’s when my husband got there from the viewing area and said, “don’t speak to my wife that way.” Angry dad responded by punching my husband in the face, then his buddy jumped him from behind. While he had been pushing a stroller with our 18-month-old baby.

The two men cornered my husband and continued to beat on him, with nobody coming to help, I climbed up on the railing and grabbed the buddy’s shoulder and said, “get off my husband.”

He turned and punched me in the side of my face so hard I flew back into a go kart (while in an above-knee summer dress–HELLO PANTIES!). I eventually got up on the landing and angry dad punched me in the face. And before leaving (before the police arrived), he spat in my face.

Happy birthday! :woozy_face::sob: My poor babies. They’re fine physically, but mentally is another matter.

The park security cameras were too blurry to ID them. They tried attacking the security guard (also a female on the smaller side-- I’m 5’9 and weight 150lbs, and she was smaller than me) when she followed to note their license plates. I have a short clip somebody in the parking lot took of them leaving, but it’s not enough to get identification.

So I took it to Facebook and the power of social media. My video got 5.5k views before Facebook took it down. The trolls were eating me alive, so I left it as public, but made commenting Friends-only, and they reported it.

I still have the video of them, only my Live was removed, but it was upsetting. The things said to me online only revictimized me (I deserved it, pity my hubby for being married to a Karen like me, I should lose my kids, I should be fired from my job, and on and on), so I hid their comments and they still managed to silence me.

Anyways, that’s what I’ve been trying to deal with. And some days are better than others. Last night I decided to try some art therapy: I love paper and collage, so I began making a collage masterboard on an open Manila folder. It’s like visual poetry: so much meaning within its physical layers and the focal points selected.

And while it has some darkness to it, I’m hoping once I cut it up, the pieces will be beautiful and it will help me to let go of those hurtful things and move forward with healing.

Great story, but why share it here? Because I loved putting together the happy mail I did here and on a YouTube swap. SO MUCH FUN! And I could do with some fun, so I’ve told the story to see who’s interested in receiving a piece of this collage as an ATC or ephemera bit in happy mail? I don’t want to offend anyone, but would love to share it as part of my process.

Here’s a preview of it a few steps ago to show what I mean about what may be offensive, however, my hope is that the offensiveness will be removed once the pieces are fully finished.

I ask that you please be kind in your judgements and opinions. Thanks!


Oh no, Sarah! What a horrible thing to go through for you, your husband and your children!
I am glad the kids are physically unharmed, but so sorry for you and your husband to get beaten up so badly over nothing. Argh!
I hope the idiots will be found and punished.
And in the meantime, I’m glad you are using art to help you heal.
Here’s a big gentle hug!
To a speedy recovery!
And don’t let them get to you mentally. You are worthy of happiness!


Oh. My. Gawp. People! Ugh. (((Hugs))) to you and family.
Hopefully when the dust settles it will all turn into an opportunity for conversation & reflection. Kids get exposed to life, there’s no protecting them from it no matter how we try. But terrible occurrences can turn into teachable moments of profound impact so silver linings? Best of luck reassuring your little darlings, & each other.

Your art is looking great so far! This is a salty groups, not sure we can be offended? And everybody here is extemely positive & encouraging about creativity & experimtation, you’re in good company :slight_smile:


Thank you for your kind words and gentle hug :hugs:

Unfortunately though, the men are likely to get off scot-free, and it sucks. But I have my art! I’m happy with how this MB turned out, and can’t wait to cut it up into pieces! And my babies are safe and unharmed. Bruises fade away, but if anything happened to them, I’d be forever broken. My heart lives inside them.

So we’ve got paper and glue, obviously, but I also used modeling paste, watercolour paint and ink, washi tape, paint and ink markers, stickers, acrylic paint, stamping with ink and embossing powder, and a Patridge in a pear tree! :pear: :grin: Definitely multi-media…but when does crafting become art, or vice versa. Or is crafting a genre of art, like painting? Inquiring minds want to know!


Crafting involves a good deal of artistry so I consider it art.

Those fellas have to live with themselves & that may be a punishment in itself.

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Listen to your inner voice. It will tell you weather it is art or craft.
Also: why should there be a strict border between the two?

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Oh my!

How scary! My heart goes out to you and your family! Shame on all those idiots! I’m sorry that your children had to see that. But at least they know that their parents will stand up for right and stand up for each other.

I really and truly hope those bumholes get caught and get punished to the utmost.

(((((((((HUGS))))))))) to the entire family!:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


I found the June themed cards this weekend. Errrggghhh. I put them away for another time.

I had been to Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and Joanns looking for happy mail and food/picnic themed stamps. It was odd….in Michaels and Joanns they had almost no stickers left and only a few themed sets of stamps.

I went thru my stamps and have surprisingly few food stamps-except for cupcakes. :grin:

But then I had an idea! I could use my
________ themed _______ and _______ ___ to the cards and it would look awesome!!!:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

In other news, I’m meeting my brother today for the first time in 25 years today. I’ve been so anxious about it that I’ve not eaten more than one meal a day for about a week.