Happy Mail Craftalong 2021 ~ Monthly themes and Birthdays too!

September’s theme has been chosen!

:trumpet: :musical_note: :trumpet:

:musical_note: :trumpet: :musical_note:

:trumpet: :musical_note: :trumpet:

It will be:

:sunrise_over_mountains: :sunrise: :city_sunrise:

September Sunrise

:city_sunrise: :sunrise: :sunrise_over_mountains:


I received from @jemimah today! Photos when my phone is charged.

Thanks, Kirsten!


@StationerySandwich no judgment here, well I am judging the people who attacked you and your hubby.

Hope the crafting brings some healing. That had to be scary. (((Hugs)))

We arrived safe and sound in Indy. It’s a long story but my dad’s house interior needed to be rebuilt because of extensive water damage. He’s been in and out of the hospital and rehab/nursing care facility since October. While he was in the hospital back in December, a water pipe burst and did over 90k worth of damage (covered by insurance) and a raccoon did 20k with of damage (not covered by insurance). I found out because the Indy police called me saying his neighbors reported him as a missing person.

Anyhow, the house has been rebuilt inside and we came out to help him move back into his house and then we are hoping to help him put the house on the market and find him an assisted living facility if he’s willing or a 1 floor house if he’s not willing. We show up to his house on the day he is supposed to move back into it. The sinks are all in his living room, all of the toilets are still in boxes, none of his appliances are here, and the water is off. So Phil had to light a fire under their behinds. On top of that the construction person told Phil on the phone it was all done like a week ago…so he lied. That was nice to discover. There is no way my dad could’ve handled this on his own so I’m glad we decided to come out.

I’ll be in Indy for probably 2 weeks but the kid is itching to head to a craft store so I’ll probably pick up some happy mail supplies so I can continue to send out happy mail from Indy.


Having taken care of both sets of parents, I totally feel your concern and frustration. People tend to take advantage of the elderly in the most despicable ways…you father is lucky to have you there to help him navigate through his elderly years.

I got happy mail from you today, so that made my heart glad…today i was discharged from rehab so it was a good day in a lot of ways!

Get your kid to a craft store!


That bird card is hysterical!


I agree!!!

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I’ve been away from this thread (and LC) for a while! I’ve received a pile of mail including from @madebyBeaG and @Lynx and a few more I can’t recall from the top of my head at 10.30pm lol!

It’s taken some time to catch up with this thread but I always enjoy reading everyone’s stories. Except yours of course @StationerySandwich ! That one was horrible. I hope you are physically and mentally healing from that experience. I don’t understand grownups throwing punches instead of talking it out, and especially not picking on a woman half their size and weight, or going after your husband with two men. I’m sure those guys feel very “tough” and “manly” now. Well, I think you are the tough one for standing up to them even though it was an unfair situation.


Received a June to the moon postcard from @saintcady.


Another big mail day yesterday!

@Lynx sent a wonderful card and one of her happy mail gang charms!

@Renstar sent a great card and some fun stickers!

@Rlynn sent me this ridiculously cute watercolor card that is going up on my fridge right now!

What a great way to end a hectic week!


Yay! Glad it arrived and you like it! :heart:

Well, if any of you are interested in old manuals…I may swipe some for sending in happy mail.


Those diagrams are pretty cool…


@Rlynn those are very cool.

& thank you for this sweet watercolour

I see a ring of fluffy little faces in the biggest red circle, like wee sprites hugging.


I love this! What a nifty idea!

I adore old manuals!!!

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I need to play some catch up on opening, enjoying and posting and assembling my July cards! I had such a head start and things went south! My goal is to get them out this week. Ben leaves to go home to CO on Tuesday and I leave for a retreat on Friday


I’m having quite the happy mail weekend over here. Yesterday from @saintcady:

And today from @madebyBeaG

…and @photojenn.

It’s a reversible coaster!

Thanks, everyone!


What a happy haul!

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I’ve been out of town and came how to awesome mail!

Thank you @PhoenixFireDesigns @Lynx @Magpie @Rlynn ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Okay I’m definitely going to have a lovely collection of ephemera. Apparently my grandma brought boxes and boxes of paper with her to dads before she passed away. Some of it is just getting shredded or recycled. Some I’m keeping because uhm…it’s literal history. Some is getting collected to be sent out via happy mail or swaps. Once I get all these boxes sorted, I’ll probably send out a round of happy mail in a week or so.

But in the meantime, check out this war rations book.


That belongs in a museum, that is SO COOL!