Happy Mail Craftalong 2022, The Year of Colors ~ Monthly themes and Birthdays too!

I hope its still ok to join. :slight_smile: I would love to participate in this craftalong, even tho Im on a tight budget, so I wont be able to send as many Happy Mail as I would want too.


I’m Josefin from Sweden, living by myself with my old hamster boy. I like dogs and animals very much (had a dog, but not at the moment), reading, crafting (sewing, crochet, knitting, embroidery is what I usually do), writing (I try to write creatively and some poetry).
I haven’t done much paper craft, but I think this is a good opportunity to try some.
My birthday month is in December.

You are free to send what you want, but please no glitter, spiders or creepy crawlies. Just a Happy Mail is enough and well appreciated! If you want to send extras I like ATC’s, washi tape and stickers (things to put in my bullet journal).