Happy Mail Craftalong 2024 ~ Monthly themes and Birthdays too!

I skipped last year, but I will try send some Happy Mail this year! It is a fun (and relatively cheap) activity! :smiley:


glad you are jumping back into the fun!


so glad you mentioned this!
what a great collaboration between you 2 –
this envelope made me so happy when it arrived :slight_smile:

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(I first posted this in the old thread.)

I received a lovely (replacement) Holidays card from @Immaculata.
Thanks again!

(Sorry for the bad photo quality. Just a quick snapshot, not enough light.)


@Reinikka , I totally forgot to set up/ask for the intros last year, so I’m certainly glad you are back in the saddle!
Here is mine:
I am Karen G & this thread makes me happy :slight_smile:
I’m especially fond of spring (except for that dratted Daylight Savings Time…ugh)
My birthday is in March, and I celebrate Christmas & Easter.
I have 2 grown daughters, and a darling toddler granddaughter. I fly cross-country to see her as often as I can, so that is why I’m “out of pocket” many times for swaps lately.
She will soon have a baby brother or sister, so life is busy!

I enjoy knitting & am trying to get the hang of crochet, but it doesn’t compute all that well for me. I’ve always admired you gals who can paint, embroider, and make cool papercrafts! I try to join in on the papercraft/ mixed media zoom calls from time to time.
Cards I send will likely be storebought, but I’ll try to remember to at least include some stickers inside!
I’m happy to still be with this group & looking forward to 2024 :heart_decoration:
I’ll plan to add my info to the shared doc once it’s up.


Hello everyone!

I’m Mariana, known almost everywhere online as LindyBlues, a nod to the dances I do (Lindy Hop & Blues).

My birthday is March 11th.

I absolutely love “snail mail,” and grew up as an immigrant before the age of “everyone has a computer/Internet at home”, so I used to write letters to my family regularly. I love “real mail,” walking over to my mailbox and finding nice surprises there. I also love sending a little something to cheer up someone’s day.

Here’s a little about me:

I was born and raised in Brazil, lived in the US for 4 years (near Chicago), then immigrated to Canada with my family in 2000.

I’m fluent in English and Brazilian Portuguese, and I can get by in Spanish. I’d love to learn French, Polish, and ASL eventually.

I’m an “all over the place” crafter/amateur artist and I love to dabble in just about anything, though more and more, I find myself drawn to mixed media, especially featuring collage. Because mixed media lets me do all the things instead of picking just one, which is a generic theme in my life—wanting to do all the things, lol

Professionally, I’ve done a lot of things in my life, from retail to teaching to serving in the Canadian Naval Reserves to kinesiology, personal training, community health, to a lot of things in between. Currently, I homeschool my kids and do some writing on the side, though I’m not officially freelancing anymore. I was also recently hired as a Relief Programming Assistant at my local library, a casual position to fill in for library programs when folks are sick or on vacation, or to be a pair of extra hands for outreach programs.

I have been happily married for 17.5 years (started dating 22 years ago!), and we have 3 children born in 2010, 2012, and 2014, who I homeschool. My oldest will be heading to “real” high school this September, though.

I look forward to exchanging mail with many of you! :slight_smile:

Some important but less interesting stuff about me:

I’m severely sensitive to scents/fragrances and they can trigger my asthma and my chronic post nasal drip/allergic rhinitis, so no smelly stuff please :slight_smile:

I have Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) and I am prone to dislocations/subluxations (partial dislocations), so I wear a great deal of bracing to prevent injury. I also have a list of other chronic illnesses, and I deal with chronic pain. So sometimes I need recovery time from pushing myself too hard, which, after all these years, I’m still trying to learn not to do… I still want to be invited to all the things though, even if I say I can’t more times than I want to…


Oh, these presentations… What to say?

Im Josefin, from Sweden. This year will be the big 40. But that feels good, not as scary as being 20. Living on my own in the middle of the country, so we have real winter here. Which I like. But it always good with winter solstice so we get more light again.
My english and swedish grammar sometimes mix up, so if you think write something that sounds weird, I will blame that!

In crafting I do lots. Mostly “soft crafts”, like knitting, sewing, embroidery, crochet, trying to weave. But I got a whittle kit on my last birthday (december), so Im keen on trying that! But Im waiting for spring when people are cutting branches of trees, and I might get some fresh wood.

I like to write, and try to do some papercraft sometimes. So from me there can come letters, postcards or something completly different. A happy mail in other words. :smiley:

Looking forward to send some mail outside of Sweden again, because its so fun to both send and recieve real letters in the mailbox! :smiley:


I’m Imma from the Netherlands, mid-30s, I live with Mr. Imma in a small old house in a big city. This year will be our 10-year anniversary! We bought this little house way back when, it was in need of a lot of work, and finally last year we’d saved up enough to do it. We’re mostly done now and I’m glad it’s over! I’ve got a nice craft room in the attic now, a lovely, odd-shaped room with weird angles everywhere. I’ve got a box full of art made by Lettuce and C-ster members, that I’m going to put up there. Your mail might end up on there too!

I’ve had an auto-immune disease since my teens, so I’ve had ups and downs. Right now unfortunately I’m not doing too well. I have a fulltime job but working has been a challenge lately. So it’s been a joy to receive Christmas cards from all over the world.

I’m naturally not a papercrafter, I mostly do embroidery / sewing / knitting / quilting. I’ve been trying to do more papercraft, but glue always intimidates me a little bit. Other than crafting I’m interested in reading, history, gardening. I like lots of things but it seems I like crafting most of all!


Hey guys, it’s not completely ready yet but here are some rules and things about the Google Doc that @LindyBlues is working on. Please let me know if it makes sense, sounds fair, and if there is anything else you would like included :slight_smile:


Hi Happy Mailers!
I’m BeaG (G is the first letter of my last name).
Born in 1964 I’m from The Netherlands and moved to Belgium in 2007, where I live with my Belgian husband Marc. My birthday is 18 May. I’ll be turning 60 this year, ouch!
I have a series of chronic health issues and have been on disability since 2000.
I love to do all kinds of art and crafts, but in the last couple of years I mainly focus on creative writing.
I made and started my ‘BeaG’s Blog’ in April 2020, where I post a short story, essay, poem, drawing, photo-animation, or other piece of writing or creativity every week.
(Links to my album with creations and to my Blog can be found in my profile.)
I love sending and receiving Happy Mail!
My favorite things are reading, writing and nature, but I’m interested in lots and lots of things, and open to any kind of Happy Mail.
If you don’t have it yet, please PM me for my address.


I just want to give everyone a heads up that I have received messages and have seen them, but it may take me a few days to respond. I have COVID again and I feel awful. I’m doing 5-10 minutes of anything and feeling like I need to lie down again. So if you don’t hear from me for a few days, it’s because I’m trying to rest. Thank you for understanding :heart:


Get wel soon!


Rest as you need, we will be here when you feel better! :slight_smile:


Hi! I’m Kailey.

I am an illustrator, artist, crafter, product reviewer, homeschool teacher and mom. I live with my husband and 2 kids in the Pacific Northwest in the USA (where I was born and raised). Most of my days are spent teaching my 2 kids (ages 6 and 9) at home. I make all sorts of stuff using many mediums. Primarily I cook, sew, knit, paint, draw, and collage. I’ve also dabbled in ceramics, leather working, book binding, sculpture, woodworking, and set building. I repurpose and Upcycle a lot. Partially because it’s fun and satisfying to make something new out of something old, partially for environmental reasons, and partly due to having a very limited budget. In addition to crafting, I love board games, Lego, reading, and role playing games. I also do taekwondo with my family. We love fantasy and Science Fiction and most animals. We love getting letters from different places all around the World and the rest of the United States. We also like learning about different holidays , traditions, myths, and legends. We like trying teas and treats from around the world too (we make a point of ordering something we’ve never eaten before every time we get groceries), but we do have some allergies and dietary restrictions. I enjoy sending and receiving mail, and both of my kids enjoy writing to penpals as well. My birthday is August 26. My son and husband both have February birthdays and my daughter’s birthday is at the end of March. Any form of happy mail would be enjoyed and appreciated by all of us. Please message me for our address. I look forward to a fun year of sending and receiving mail!


Get well soon!

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Hope you feel better! COVID is miserable, and for people my age, it can be deadly! Rest is the best thing!


Thank you everyone.

I have more energy now, but COVID seems to have stolen my voice… I’m working hard on recovering it. I miss singing dearly.

I’m in the process of catching up on everything.


Woops… a little late, but here’s our poll for February :smile:

Vote for February’s Theme

  • Dragon
  • (Your) Word of the Year
  • Snow
  • Warmth, warm, warming, hygge
  • World Cultures
  • Travel
  • Reading/Books
  • Seasons Around the World
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Share your Passions/Hobbies
  • Colours/Colour Combinations (or Color/Colors)
  • Thrifty
0 voters

Share some ideas for March and I’ll try to get the next poll setup sooner :crossed_fingers:


Any belated January birthdays to start off our birthday list? :sweat_smile: I’ll also add February birthdays if there are any out there :slight_smile:


Happy February!

:dragon_face: :sparkler: :dragon:

This month our themes are Dragon and World Cultures

:piñata: :flags: :kite: