Happy Mail Craftalong 2024 ~ Monthly themes and Birthdays too!

Hey guys, it’s not completely ready yet but here are some rules and things about the Google Doc that @LindyBlues is working on. Please let me know if it makes sense, sounds fair, and if there is anything else you would like included :slight_smile:


Hi Happy Mailers!
I’m BeaG (G is the first letter of my last name).
Born in 1964 I’m from The Netherlands and moved to Belgium in 2007, where I live with my Belgian husband Marc. My birthday is 18 May. I’ll be turning 60 this year, ouch!
I have a series of chronic health issues and have been on disability since 2000.
I love to do all kinds of art and crafts, but in the last couple of years I mainly focus on creative writing.
I made and started my ‘BeaG’s Blog’ in April 2020, where I post a short story, essay, poem, drawing, photo-animation, or other piece of writing or creativity every week.
(Links to my album with creations and to my Blog can be found in my profile.)
I love sending and receiving Happy Mail!
My favorite things are reading, writing and nature, but I’m interested in lots and lots of things, and open to any kind of Happy Mail.
If you don’t have it yet, please PM me for my address.


I just want to give everyone a heads up that I have received messages and have seen them, but it may take me a few days to respond. I have COVID again and I feel awful. I’m doing 5-10 minutes of anything and feeling like I need to lie down again. So if you don’t hear from me for a few days, it’s because I’m trying to rest. Thank you for understanding :heart:


Get wel soon!


Rest as you need, we will be here when you feel better! :slight_smile:


Hi! I’m Kailey.

I am an illustrator, artist, crafter, product reviewer, homeschool teacher and mom. I live with my husband and 2 kids in the Pacific Northwest in the USA (where I was born and raised). Most of my days are spent teaching my 2 kids (ages 6 and 9) at home. I make all sorts of stuff using many mediums. Primarily I cook, sew, knit, paint, draw, and collage. I’ve also dabbled in ceramics, leather working, book binding, sculpture, woodworking, and set building. I repurpose and Upcycle a lot. Partially because it’s fun and satisfying to make something new out of something old, partially for environmental reasons, and partly due to having a very limited budget. In addition to crafting, I love board games, Lego, reading, and role playing games. I also do taekwondo with my family. We love fantasy and Science Fiction and most animals. We love getting letters from different places all around the World and the rest of the United States. We also like learning about different holidays , traditions, myths, and legends. We like trying teas and treats from around the world too (we make a point of ordering something we’ve never eaten before every time we get groceries), but we do have some allergies and dietary restrictions. I enjoy sending and receiving mail, and both of my kids enjoy writing to penpals as well. My birthday is August 26. My son and husband both have February birthdays and my daughter’s birthday is at the end of March. Any form of happy mail would be enjoyed and appreciated by all of us. Please message me for our address. I look forward to a fun year of sending and receiving mail!


Get well soon!

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Hope you feel better! COVID is miserable, and for people my age, it can be deadly! Rest is the best thing!


Thank you everyone.

I have more energy now, but COVID seems to have stolen my voice… I’m working hard on recovering it. I miss singing dearly.

I’m in the process of catching up on everything.


Woops… a little late, but here’s our poll for February :smile:

Vote for February’s Theme

  • Dragon
  • (Your) Word of the Year
  • Snow
  • Warmth, warm, warming, hygge
  • World Cultures
  • Travel
  • Reading/Books
  • Seasons Around the World
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Share your Passions/Hobbies
  • Colours/Colour Combinations (or Color/Colors)
  • Thrifty
0 voters

Share some ideas for March and I’ll try to get the next poll setup sooner :crossed_fingers:


Any belated January birthdays to start off our birthday list? :sweat_smile: I’ll also add February birthdays if there are any out there :slight_smile:


Happy February!

:dragon_face: :sparkler: :dragon:

This month our themes are Dragon and World Cultures

:piñata: :flags: :kite:


I received from @wittychild a couple of days ago! Thanks!

I forgot to post about it - I was pretty busy with work, and grabbed it to read it on my lunch break at work. Then afterwards it spent a couple of days in my work bag before I remembered it. The last couple of weeks have been hectic to receiving nice mail always brings a smile on my face.


I received Happy Mail from @Edel today.
A wonderful handmade multi-layered collage card, with some cute little extra’s (stickers and paper goodies).
Thank again!


I’ve decluttered my craft room and came across a couple of cards-in-progress! I hope to finish them tonight and send them out tomorrow. Some are projects from long, long ago (15 years or so) some are recent. Some fit the themes and some don’t.

And some theme suggestions for March:

  • growth, new life and fresh starts
  • spring
  • use what you have

Today is the first day of Lent, the period before Easter. That’s of course a period of significance for people who are Christian. But for people who have a different religion or aren’t religious at all, there are still Lent-related themes that could be interesting. Growth, new life and fresh starts is a theme that can be interpreted in many different ways. Use what you have is my crafty interpretation of Lent fasting, but isn’t religious by itself.


I received a wonderful card from @madebyBeaG with the most amazing extras inside, including some awesome bookmarks that have immediately been put to use. Thank you so much for brightening a stressful week! I loved receiving the happy mail from you!


I received a lovely surprise card from @Edel today! And some cool extras, too.

Thanks so much!


All very nice theme ideas!
I like the idea of “use what you have” as a type of fasting


Hi, everyone! I’m back again for another year of happy mail fun! :slight_smile: :love_letter:

I am from Florida. My favorite time of the year is autumn and winter. In the past I’ve done a lot of various crafty things like knitting, crochet, cross stitch, making jewelry (including chainmail), handbound journals, sewing, and so much more. But lately the things I enjoy doing most are artsy things like ATCs, inchies, making decorated envie mail art, and using stickers, washi etc. Some other things I love are: birds, art, books, writing, coffee, rain, keys, sparkly/glittery/metallic things (I am a magpie!), puzzles, Harry Potter, fantasy, gaming. Both sending and receiving happy mail is a joy and I look forward to exchanging happy mail with you.


March Theme Poll

  • Growth, New Life, and Fresh Starts
  • Spring
  • Use What You Have
  • Leaping Leap Year
0 voters