‘Help Lengthening A Dress” Finally Done

It took three different fabric inserts, three different trims and an entire spool of thread, but I finally finished this dress!

Thanks to @AIMR for suggesting an insert & reminding me to have a slit so I could actually walk. And to @Bunny1kenobi for suggesting using a more casual lace.

I dyed the two lace trims - the polyester thread in the wider lace didn’t take the dye but that gives it a suitably casual look to go with the denim.

Reverse of the wider lace:

First attempt - too dark.

Second attempt - similar denim, but not quite right.

The final insert was the right colour but was too light-weight, OK, add two layers of interfacing. The white interfacing could probably be visible when walking or sitting. So, add a lining to the insert…

Everything was from stash…

This dress probably is one of my top ‘Most Use of a Seam Ripper’ projects.


That looks beautiful, great job!

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Oh, that does look beautiful, really so nice.

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I’m imagining you being given a gold statue for “Best Use of a Seam Ripper”! It turned out really nice. Everything looks very cohesive.

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This turned out so well!! I love the lace, and I love that you dyed it!

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WOW! It turned out fantastic! It just looks so customized with the new details! You also took care of some pretty good construction details…like the lining to cover the interfacing…beautiful job.

I would wear the heck out of this one!


Looks great! I love that you used the lace as insertion, instead of just an edge. May steal that idea!

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Thanks everyone!

@endymion > I’m imagining you being given a gold statue for “Best Use of a Seam Ripper”!

‘I want to thank Electrolux Vacuums for their help picking up the mounds of thread. And apologies to my neighbours for the excessive swearing…’ :grinning:


so pretty! well done!!

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Wow! This looks so elegant-casual, and I would assume you’d gotten it from a boutique. Beautiful!

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Thank you!