Home decor and renovation craftalong

That was the color of my old kitchen! Lovely and a nice bit of bonus space!


Perfect spot for Rob’s desk.
We were just looking at flooring, we like a mid-dark grey mottled vinyl plank business. Waterproof, because dog.


You’re so close! The color looks lush. It’s so hard to find a red that works with one’s specific brick - nice going!


The paint looks great!! My contractor friend recommends those vinyl plank flooring! I want to replace the carpeting in my bedroom with that someday!


I put cork-backed vinyl planks (LVP) on our whole 2nd story a few years ago and love them. Easy care, totally withstand dog toenails, quite nice to walk on barefoot, and really quiet. The ones we got are rated for sound for multi-family dwellings.


Rob had cork floor in a kitchen, destroyed quickly. What did you use? He loved it, if we can find something durable the attic is noisy floors & cold.


Mine is a vinyl plank, but cork-backed. It’s called Tundra Waterproof Vinyl Flooring. The whole thing is either vinyl or cork, which makes it waterproof, but it is not a water barrier… moisture can get under it. It is a floating floor style, not a glue down.


Looking it up, thanks!


We did a small thing that made a huge difference:

We installed a LED-strip in our closet so now we can see our stuff!


…I may need to steal that idea. I can’t see a thing in mine.


It’s super easy! The one we got cost only €10 and is self adhesive. It took all of five minutes to install, if I knew it was that simple I would have done this years ago.


I never thought much about it because our closets have lights. Good to be able to see what you want to wear! Nice job! Looks really bright!


We put LED strip lights in the hallway to the “boys’” bedroom because it is dark. I also put them in my bathroom because the way it was designed the bathtub/shower is extremely dark as well. They help a lot! :smiley:
It there was electricity in my closets I might consider putting some there as well.


Nothing new to show off, but some progress has been made. Jim replaced the weather stripping on both exterior doors. We’re pretty sure it had never been replaced at all since the house was built, so 42 years. If it had been replaced at any point, it was probably in the mid 90’s, but I doubt it. Someone seems to have just added extra nails into it, where it sagged and was falling out. We could actually feel a breeze coming from the front door, while it the living or bedroom, which are both down a hall, and around a corner.

Then Jim replaced 2 dimmer switches with regular switches. Both dimmers did NOT work well with modern LED light bulbs, and continued to flicker at rapid speed, giving us both headaches. (Seriously, has anyone ever had a dimmer switch that actually worked well for them? Every one I’ve ever encountered has been garbage.) It was taking us 3-4 minutes each morning to get one of them to turn on and stay on, then we had to leave it running all day because it was so hard to turn back on. It’s like freakin’ magic to just flip the switch in those rooms, and have the light just work.

Then he took down the wonky closet doors in Ada’s room, and put them back up properly. Since we moved in, they haven’t closed. It looks like someone took them down to paint, and had no idea how to put them back up, so did it wrong. They refused to shut, and Ada is getting so big, we need to move her out of a crib soon. When we do, we need the closet doors to be able to shut so she doesn’t get into too much trouble in her room alone.

Finally he’s working on fixing several pieces of baseboard. The previous owner took them off, so he could install new hardwood flooring (which he did very badly, and we had to have someone come in and fix the worst parts), but afterwards he slapped up the baseboards, and in some instances, just left them leaning against the wall. There was one just sitting loose in her room, so he put that back up. Now he’s trying to fix the ones in the dining room, so we can paint.

And I picked out paint! And did all the math on how much of which ones I’ll need for a 2-tone room, with two colors of trim details. Hoping to have the room painted before Ada’s birthday at the end of March. Everyone cross their fingers!

:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


I actually met the man who invented and patented the dimmer switch. We went to a party at his house…which was 39,000 square feet and had a bowling alley inside! He was such a nice and unassuming man…I never had a problem with ours, but that was when there was only incandescent bulbs.

Good thing you guys are both handy…sounds like you are fixing up all those little annoying things that you can never find anyone else to do! Can’t wait to see what you do…sounds like the painting will be very lovely and fit your style!


Oooh, I need to do this in my pantry under the stairs. We have a main pantry in the kitchen, but it wasn’t enough for my stash, so I stole the closet under the stairs, too. It’s so dark in the back of it. :dotted_line_face:


Those are all smallish individually, but once they are done, they make such a big difference!

What color(s) paint did you choose?

I never had much luck with dimmer switches, either. We have some smart dimmer bulbs in some rooms now, which are nice.


Upper walls and rectangular panel trim on lower walls in Rendezvous Bay

Crown molding, chair rail, doorways, and baseboards in Dove Wing

Lower walls (including inset panels) in Bermuda Turquoise

We’re then going to continue the deep Bermuda Turquoise on the lower walls of the living room, but use the creamy Dove Wing on the upper half in there, and leave the trim the original dark wood stain. The room is a bit dark, so we want to keep it as airy as possible, while still adding color. The previous owners painted everything grey, or a cold grey-white.


@Immaculata I am grateful to the former owners for having added lights in the closets, however I do wish they’re taken 30 seconds to check that the height of the switches which are outside the closets would be standard. Especially the one that is just a few feet from the room switch. Srsly, a quick measure and 3" more wire et voila, a light switch that looks like it had always been there.

@MistressJennie I have never had an issue with a dimmer! If I had my druthers, a lot of my switches would be on dimmers. We’ve found the “newer” dimmable LEDs haven’t given us any trouble or flashing, which I am extra grateful for as TheMisterT is super susceptible to headaches from flickering. I’m so glad you have made your home right for you, though! I’m excited to see that dreamy blues paint job!


Huh-- my mother had an issue recently with a 1980s vintage dimmer switch that just didn’t operate with low-power-draw light bulbs. (It worked fine until she replaced the last of the incandescent bulbs in the dining room lights, but we almost never used the dimmer function anyway.)