Home decor and renovation craftalong

More stairs! They are back in the garage now…this was just so Mr. Road could mark where to drill holes for mounting, etc.


This is going to look so cool!! Looks like it’s a lot of work to make but the end result will be really unique.

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I bet everyone in your family is happy for the stairs! They sure look sturdy!


There has been a deck in our backyard since we moved in, and it’s never been in the best shape. We discovered that it had a concrete pad underneath it, so we decided to pull it out. Good thing we did because it turned out it wasn’t sealed and was rotting. Pulling in out also revealed some issues with the siding that we can fix now that we know about them. It took 5 days of non-stop work from my husband and myself, but the deck is gone. A nice person on Craigslist hauled away all the wood for free. I saw more black and brown widows than I ever wanted to, but they are gone now too. Not a super restful spring break, but we are pleased with the results. It also makes the back yard more usable without the sudden drop at the edge of the deck, and my kids are looking forward to chalk drawings on the concrete. We are all happy with the decision to remove the deck.


That was absolutely the right call, that deck looked like it served no real purpose at all. You actually have so much more usable space. Much better!


Oh well done - that’s a huge job!!


Congratulations on completing all that hard work! It’s wonderful that you got such a nice improvement without having to put the money and effort into building another thing (on top of the resources used to remove that deck)!

We’re planning to replace and expand our deck this summer. We don’t have the option of a patio here, since it’s several feet off the ground and our front entrance. I think it really takes a lot more square footage to have a truly useful and functional deck than most people realize. Ours was definitely an addition to the original porch-style situation and with the hot tub on it, not as functional as we would like, especially as TheMisterT spends hours and hours out there if the weather is at all cooperative. The former owners didn’t always look into how to do things the “right” way (or even A right way), so not only will the new deck be nicer looking and more comfortable/functional, it will be safer. Sometimes I think they thought, “well, I’ve seen railing and stairs, so I can build railing and stairs. I don’t need to look into rules or guidelines!” Sigh.


Decks here have to have permits and inspections. Too many decks have failed and people getting injured. The wooden deck at this house was replaced with composite. I get that is is virtually maintenance free, and it is much easier on the feet in the hot sunny weather, but, I really do like the look of a good wooden deck.

Oddly, unless the deck is 4 feet off the ground, no railings are required. Probably why we have never used it in the 5 years we lived here. We do use the patio.


Wow! What a difference @HeroicHatchling!

Same…but if you are doing the work yourself and your neighbors aren’t snitches, there are ways around that. :shushing_face:

We never replaced our deck after the flood and I don’t miss it. I DO want a screened in porch and a patio though. They’re on the list.


Screened in porch is the best once mosquito season hits, & ours now doubles as a catio, which makes the fuzzy bird-watchers happy.


Yess! I have dreams of a plant heaven out there, too.


My county is notorious for lack of codes and lack of oversite of the codes it does have. It didn’t even occur to me that we would need to submit for a permit - perhaps partly because there’s already a deck here. It’s very sturdily supported underneath, or at least was when it was built 20+ years ago. But the rails? I only have cuss words for that situation.

A real wood deck is sure pretty for the first year, at least! We’ll be going composite and metal as much as we can. We’ll hire someone to build the understructure and the stair jacks, but I’ll be laying the deck and building the railings, and I don’t ever want to do that again. It will not be the cheapest way, but it will hopefully be the way that means not spending time and money every couple of years on refinishing, etc.


Somebody’s enjoying the finished back room.


Sure…it is such a cozy spot!


It looks fantastic! I like the color.


So cozy!


What’s not to enjoy?


There’s nothing like the first sunbeams of spring!


That turned out so beautifully!! :smiley:

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Wow, it’s really nice! The colour on the wall looks very fancy and it matches the rug perfectly. And that chair :heart: I’d spend all of my time there, too, if I could.