Home decor and renovation craftalong

I’m really enjoying the empty space but also thinking of adding a ceiling hook in the corner there for a macrame plant hanger & I’m considering a woven grass foot stool as well. I have maximalist tendencies I have to look out for though. I could easily over do it :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


It looks so comfy and inviting!


Bottom half of stairs is painted and in place! Mr. Road will be permanently affixing it to this location. I think wood is next step because the top half needs to bolt to the wooden landing.


Nice! It looks really different now it’s painted.


Here’s a small little thing that made a huge difference:

The kitchen drawer came with a bunch of wood dividers, but they weren’t attached yet. It’s so much more practical now those are screwed in. Cutting knives, table spoons, forks and knives, various kitchen utensils, teaspoons and tea and coffee-making things.



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Mr. Imma is already counting down to a camping trip in 7 weeks, and that’s when I am planning to work on the upstairs rooms.

My craft room is the room furthest back, so I was thinking of starting there, and working my way towards the staircase and down to the hall. The walls are fresh plaster so they’ll need to be sanded and primed first (I have enough primer from last year left over) and then I can start painting. I still haven’t decided on the colour though! I was planning to do wallpaper on some walls, but after my wallpaper adventure last year I’m not interested in doing that again. Plus, realistically, my walls are going to be covered with art anyway. The walls are just the background and shouldn’t be too distracting. I’m thinking of a dark wood-ish floor. I probably won’t make that decision until the walls are all finished, though. The curtains are neutral enough to go with most colours. It feels like we’ve not made a ton of progress recently so I’ll be glad when another room is finished.


I can hardly wait to have my own house again! I know it takes time and patience to make your house just the way you want it, so don’t rush.

I think you are right about the wallpaper. Paint is so much easier and also easier to change down the road when you want another fresh look. Do the spaces you really use a lot…like your craft room.

Sounds like you have a good plan mulling. I am like you in that I seem to get a lot more done when my husband is away. Even if it is just for a few hours or over a weekend. Why is that, I wonder? Maybe I feel I need to interact with him when he is here? It has been that way all our married life. Almost like I need a vacation from him to get anything done! ha


To paint my room I have to haul all my stuff to the next room, which happens to be our bedroom. I know he would be really extremely annoyed by that. I’m not a fan of camping, so this is a win-win for us both :laughing:

We have very different approaches to DIY - I’m slow and steady, he gets in a flow and works hard, then gets distracted. If I don’t like a paint colour on the wall, I’ll go out and get new paint, he wouldn’t.

Did you like the house you were viewing the other day? I really hope you can find something asap.


None of the houses we viewed were suitable. We have the extra factor of my husband being able to have a place to practice drums, so that means a basement area that has a floor, heat, air condition, etc. and an easy way to get down there.

Or else, a home so far out in the country that no one can hear him… :laughing:, but we seriously need to be closer to the city for medical reasons.


Now I’m imagining you putting in one of those “nana cottages” or a tiny home in the yard and soundproofing the heck out of it. My husband isnt a gig drummer anymore, amd hasnt for a long, long time, but I want him to have his kit set up to be able to just blow off steam and muck about. Someday we’ll weatherproof/soundproof an out building maybe.


My husband is pretty particular with the type of space he wants. Thank goodness our real estate agent knows us well…she is looking for a space for him and a large space for my crafting room…it might take longer than we wanted…I almost think it would be faster if we bought two houses…ha ha ha


Hang in there with the search, and wishing you all the luck in the world!


It wasn’t my plan but we did SO MUCH today. Last night at 10pm my family member called me to announce they were coming over to help with DIY and after today they won’t have time to visit for the next two months. So of course, the only sensible answer was yes, please! The house is a mess now so I’ll post pictures tomorrow.


I wrote this 3 weeks ago and still didn’t manage to finish off those last little bits (cutting wallpaper to the right length). It’s planned for tomorrow. Meanwhile, I did get another curtain rail up… but didn’t get the curtain hemmed or ironed yet. This room (bedroom) is next up for painting. Yes, that’s inefficient, but it doesn’t get dark until past bedtime in June so the curtains had priority now. This also gives me time to think about the length of the curtain. Previously there was a radiator beneath this window, now there’ll be some fun wallpaper. I don’t want to cut it too short though, to make sure the bedroom is as dark as possible.


Personally I prefer curtains to the floor, I like that look when closed. The window, walls etc show when open & that’s when you’re awake & seeing stuff anyhow.


Even for a small window? For the big living room window we’ll have large, dramatic floor to ceiling curtains but it feels a bit silly for a small bedroom window. These ones are already twice as big as the window itself.

Our bedroom is pretty small and the window sill is quite wide, so the rail is some distance from the window (12" or so) and the left curtain will be fairly close to the bed. We’ll have to figure out the most practical length so they don’t get in the way.


What a pretty color! Did you make them?

I also like floor length curtains for maximum light blockage. I can’t sleep with even a night light showing.


Yes, handmade! The colour looks a bit strong on it’s own but when the room is finished it will match the colour scheme (brown, orange and yellow). They do pretty well keeping the light out but there’s a little bit of light coming over the top. With a street light right in front of our bedroom window, and another one right behind our house and plenty of windows, it’s never going to be completely dark. Our friend always brings a sleep mask when they come over.

Real darkness is not something you’ll find in the Netherlands. We were in rural Ireland a few months ago and it gets truly dark there, you can see all the stars.


Can’t wait to see your completed rooms!

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