Home decor and renovation craftalong

We have a lot of windows and use insulated, room darkening curtains to keep the house from getting too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter! Where possible the curtains are long, but we have water baseboard heating and I don’t want to end up with that heating the space behind the curtains and not the room! :wink:

Lovely color!! Can’t wait to see the wallpaper you have chosen for the room!!


Our bedroom is facing the north, so heat from direct sunlight is less of an issue, but that’s why we picked very heavy velvet fabric for the living room. It’s south facing and it can get really warm there in summer. We want to have all the windows covered before summer (it’s June already but we’ve not had warm weather yet).

I’m still thinking about what we’re going to use to cover the back door. The door is completely made out of glass, because we wanted to get as much daylight in as possible, but for the hottest days of the year that would be inconvenient. There’s not really a lot of space around the door to put up something permanent, but as the door is upvc, drilling or taping or glueing anything to it would void the warranty. Maybe we’re just going to install a rod over the door and put up a temporary cover during the hottest part of summer.


I have hung a curtain over the outside doors to keep things cool/warm. I just hung the rod on the wall above the door and put a curtain drawback hook so it can easily be held open or closed. Definitely do not invalidate the warranty!

Here are a couple of ideas that look good to me:


While you were typing this, I was shopping st the dollar store (well, our euro equivalent of that of course) and I spent €6 to solve two issues. It’s not properly installed yet, I couldn’t reach higher, I need some help with that. They’re spring loaded shower rods.

There’s not a lot of extra space here, so having something permanent up here would be annoying, especially as heavy music equipment needs to go through there on a regular basis. The door to the right is to the kitchen, and there’s no space to the left either. But a temporary solution during hot weather is not an issue. I’m sure I have fabric and something to attach it with in my stash.

Another issue is where to hang clean clothing that isn’t ironed yet. My grandma ironed right after doing laundry, but for us that’s not always possible. I only iron on weekends, so the clothes need to be stored somewhere until ironing day. I found the solution! Empty hangers can go on the left so you never have to look for them.


Oh fabulous! I was going to suggest tension rods if the space could accommodate…but the shower rods look a lot sturdier!


They are sturdier than you would expect for €3 each. I’m especially happy with the laundry solution as I was gettting really annoyed by it, and it’s a good use of that odd-shaped space, too. The central heating system is behind the washer and dryer so it has to remain accessible for maintenance.


Pantry curtain tension rod. Works great where there’s a frame to hold one.

The back windows let in a lot of light right at dinner hour in the summertime so it’s shining directly into peoples eyes.

I have a long sari that’s just the right size for sheer curtains there. Light will degrade the silk, but we’ll only close them during dinner or after dark so it should be fine.

I got these no-drill hooks to hold a rod so I don’t make holes in the new trim.


I have those hooks since we were not allowed to drill into the wall or woodwork. I prefer hanging curtains as close to the ceiling as I can, so in our next place, I will have to find other uses for those hooks. Maybe to cover closet doors…I really don’t like doors on closets.


Lots of good solutions going on!! :slight_smile:

@Immaculata A real bargain for shower tension rods!! :slight_smile: In my laundry room I have a rod extending from the shelves above the dryer to the framing around the opening to the “well room” (well as in water, not as in health) and it is very handy for hanging up clothes fresh out of the dryer. It used to get a lot more use when Jack was still alive and I had all his shirts.

@Magpie Lovely sari!! Would it otherwise just be stored and out of sight? I have a green silk sari that I was given decades ago - I don’t recall whose trip resulted in the gift. It remains in a box unused and unseen.
Nice no drill hardware!!


I can’t remember what stage my last stair share was at, but the upper stairs got bolted in yesterday! Still waiting for the wood…


What a unique staircase! So is the loft temporarily unusable until the stair treads are put it? It doesn’t look like there is anyway up until then. It is going to be a really cool space!


Pretty much. The loft part is empty so it’s not that big of a deal, but getting things in/out of the attic side has been tricky. Let’s just hope we don’t need to get in there before the treds are in!


You have a live in climber…young and nimble… :laughing:


Well, it was decided (mostly by me!), that I get the largest of the ensuite bedrooms for my craft room!

I can’t wait!


Oh my word I am so excited about this for you!


I was going to change the paint color before moving in, but in all seriousness, I don’t see the point since most of it will be covered by shelving, art galleries, hoopla walls, etc! I am going to repurpose some of my little worn sari skirts to make curtains.


It’s glorious!


I like the buttery yellow, it’s cheerful & neutral enough. Warm & nice.


So excited for you!! And only slightly jealous :slight_smile:


The entire house is that color! Not a fan of yellow, but we only have the budget to do the main living area and the exterior this year, so any changes will have to wait! I can live with it as long as I have my pretties up all over! ha