Home decor and renovation craftalong

You can just share pics of the deck with the cozy view. We won’t mind :smiley:


Eep! Good luck!

And the photos comment was for @photojenn, too. :wink: Though I do like knowing that you are both making progress towards your goals and the promise of pics to come.


The installer for the floors just got here so hopefully I’ll have pictures in a few hours :slight_smile:


I just spent the morning scraping old paint off the bedroom hardwood floor by the shoe mouding, plus splatter spots. And only on one wall. The woodwork and paint jobs in this house are awful, but I don’t have the will to replace it all. But at least it all matches…banged up and badly painted…but not all the same style. I rather like the well worn and lived in look. Comfortable. I think the next owners will gut and redo everything. Now back to more painting.


The floor is installed! He had to sand down a pretty decent sized hump in the middle of the concrete underneath so I’m glad we didn’t try to do it ourselves. It looks so good!






So pretty!


It looks great!


@marionberries Oof, that’s hard work. I’m with you with lived in and a bit dinged up. It feels like the house is truly a part of the lives of those who have lived in it.

@photojenn EEP! That looks great! After Tues, you can start filling it up?

@Abbeeroad Photos soon! I hope to have the gate up (and maybe a good start on the stair railing) by the end of the weekend. Picked up half of the remaining necessary parts today.


Thank you! They start painting on Tuesday but expect it to be 2-3 days because we have them removing the texture from the two large walls, painting the room, entryway, powder room, and a wall in our kitchen. But once painting is done, I can start moving things in!

I need to figure out if I should wait to install the bookshelves that will be by the window before the window is installed or not. They will be secured to the walls so moving them won’t really be ideal. I’m planning to have them a few inches from the wall so the curtains can go between them and the wall so it might be ok? Waiting is the safest option but I don’t know when the window will be installed. But I guess in the grand scheme of things a few extra weeks is ok.


As a former contractor, I can say that in general the more room you give them to work, the faster and better it will go. Even if you installed the shelves and left them up, you’d be best off taking everything off them, which is 90% of the way of taking them down altogether. Still… it’s so hard to wait!


So hard! But you’re totally right. But I’m still going to order them, they can just sit in their boxes looking at me longingly :joy:

My tool chest was delivered yesterday and the box looked like it had been dropped more than once. It weighs over 300 lbs so I wasn’t sure how we were going to be able to flip it. Luckily when they delivered it they left it on its side so we were able to attach the wheels and the two of us got it tilted and lowered safely. And there was only one pretty minor scratch on a side that I won’t even notice, all the drawers and everything work great! So that’s a relief because they’ve been out of stock of them for over a month so no telling when I’d be able to get a replacement. My husband went to Home Depot to get some plywood that we can use as the top part of a ramp so we can push it up the one step into the house. We probably won’t bring it in until the painting is done but he is always looking for an excuse to go to Home Depot :joy:


The desk top is cut down, routed, sanded, and the finish is drying. It came out exactly like I wanted! Now it will sit and cure for a week and we can add the desk legs next weekend.


Looks perfect. Don’t tou wish you had fast forward like diy YouTube videos?


Ooo! Very nice.


Yes! This!

@photojenn that’s going to be soooo amazing when done!

Well, today I spent most of the daylight hours working towards getting the gate at the top of the deck stairs installed. I installed to two top posts of the railing and assembled the gate. It’s pretty anti-climactic to see, but that dang gate took so much cutting of metal and drilling of metal and screwing into metal. And it was so fiddly and precise. Scary, because the gate is ridiculously expensive. Oof.


I have the hinges mounted to it and hope to mount the other side of the hinges to the post tomorrow and maybe get the latch/lock attached. The posts on the right of the pic are for half the stair rail - the other two I need are supposed to be at the retailer on Monday. SOOOOOOOO CLOOOOOOOSE.


Eep!! You’re almost done!!


A broken drill bit and lots of other chores on Sun afternoon and Monday, but today I finished that gate! WOO! Finished in the spitting snow, but the temp was above freezing and I was mostly under the covered part of the deck.

We were able to reuse part of our old gate’s latch to hold open the new one by mounting it to the house. So much better than the hook & eye situation we had before. I might paint it to blend in the siding next summer.


Stair rails next I am not going to kill myself to get them both done, but hope that at least one will be finished in a week and a half. We’re supposed to have dry weather on Thurs and Fri, so that could help, but we’re hoping we’ll be driving quite a distance to pick up a puppy on Friday! EEP!


@TheMistressT it is so satisfying to get things checked off the list.
We checked off geting the in-wall dressers installed. A big loving thank you to my wife for doing the in the crawl space and carpentry work. We almost broke her, but she prevailed.
These 100 year old dressers are beautiful and a much needed clothes storage solution for her. I can now move my stuff to the other high dresser (my great grandfather’s 120 to 140 year old piece).
We still have a lot of wall/ceiling and trim work to do, but this is a win.


@marionberries This is a huge win! All that saved floor space and all that delicious storage!