Hot glue woes

I have a nice Adtech glue gun that has worked well for about five years, but now gets clogged, I think.
It is fine for a couple of minutes, then less and less glue comes out.

If I pull out the glue stick, about two inches is so hot it’s clear and limp, so I believe it is heating just fine, and overheating the glue that cannot get out.

I put in a new stick, it works well for a few minutes, then less and less glue comes out. Repeat.

any suggestions for cleaning?

I could try an atomic pull (3D printer declog technique, where you let it cool partway, then pull the stick out), but I’m afraid the trigger will break, so I’d like to try a less drastic approach first. .


I had something similar happen years ago with a different brand and couldn’t figure out a fix for it. It eventually got to where it was burning the glue so I had to stop using it. Wish I had a solution for you.


Yeah…but I hate to just throw it away, it is still working!