Hot glued doll clothing/accessories

I buy a lot of cheap dolls directly from China, like this one I opened today, and their artisans’ approach to this type of mixed media accessory (it’s a bunny hairpin) always seems to be hot glue. They did a pretty professional job in this case (no gobs showing), but, wouldn’t it be better to stitch the embellishments in place (not sure if that’d even work on a pom pom?), or is there a better method?


It is cheap and easy to assemble with hot glue, and most people wouldn’t notice whether it was sewn, glued, or riveted on.

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Unfortunately, the hot glue is much more noticeable on this cat girl’s giant pleather and rhinestone hair clip cat ears. I occasionally flirt with the idea of melting the hot glue again to improve their appearance, but, I worry I’d ruin them.


You could glue a strip of silver or black ribbon over it the glue on the back of the ears to try to cover the glue. .


There’s lots of bling on the front of those ears. Some bling added to the back could cover that up. It might cover the stitching as well.

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One side of the strap on the bunny purse came off on this one that I just opened. It was also just hot glued on, and I used some regular white glue to reattach it, as I’m afraid of scorching or discoloring the white plush fabric if I remelted the glue, with a soldering iron/woodburner. So far, that’s holding it on okay.

She was also missing her shoes! :sob::sob::sob: I COULD return and exchange her, but, that’d take weeks from China, and she only cost me $6.12 anyway, so, not worth the hassle. If a bunny girl wants to run around on the grass all day and turn her white socks green, well, that’s life…

Oh, Rainbow Dash, how I’ve missed you!
Good to have you back among us, @Patraw

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