Been going through my grandpa’s old stuff and found this life size cat ceramic statue. I am in love with it, but I kinda wanna repaint it. Nothing big just a tuneup, sand out a few bumps, decorate a few cracks, maybe change the green eyes to a darker green , just fixing it up. But it’s glazed, I don’t actually know how to paint glazed ceramic. I’d prefer to use a non bake paint though.
The stuff on its head might be a bit of caulk. Try scraping it off.
For painting small areas on a decorative object, I would mix craft paint and white glue. The glue helps it stick and gives it a slightly transparent look, like glaze. Clear nail polish will give it a glossy finish.
If the cracks are small, paint might fill them. Larger cracks can be filled with air dry clay or spackle, then painted.
Sand out a few bumps? I wouldn’t even try. Just leave them!
Have fun with your lovely kitty!
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(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
Most gooey or sticky things can be easily and safely removed with Goo Gone.
Years ago I had a glass lamp base that was a horrible shiny yellow. I used spray paint to give it a new finish. I think I used a matte or something that had more of the look of ceramics. You probably can find a spray paint that will adhere to your cat and you should be able to do additional embellishments on top of that new surface.
All the tips for filling in cracks etc. are great. The only thing I might add if you want the whole thing to remain shiny, you could do a light clear coat over the whole thing so it is all the same level of shiny.
I see Kirsten in the BBC series ‘The Repair Shop’ repair and repaint ceramics often, but cannot for the life of me remember what she uses for it. She is the best though!
Hope you were able to find a way to paint your cat. My mother made an identical one for me (during her ‘ceramic period’) when I begged for a kitten, back in the 1970s!