Hyacinth Mug

I made this mug for my girlfriend. :coffee:

I used Laguna Speckled Buff clay. Some refer to it as a red clay, but it fires to a beautiful oatmeal color. It fires midrange cone 5 - 6.

I used a tool called Steve’s Tool to create the texture on the side. It’s quick and easy! There is Hyacinth glaze dribble on the inside and Satin White on the outside.


Lovely! The colours are just gorgeous together!

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Hmmm I think we might know your girlfriend :wink: :smiley:

What a fun gift!



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Thank you, all. I’m so happy to be here!

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Haha, yes!


Ooh, I like this! When you say you used Hyacinth glaze dribble on the inside, I am assuming that is the color. How did you get the two tone blues? It looks really neat! On the white areas where there’s a bit of reddish color are those spots that you didn’t paint the glaze on? Whatever you did, it definitely worked to create a charming mug, sure to make a person smile whenever they use it!


Love the pop of color inside. You have a great eye on top of some serious skills!

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The mug is beautiful, and your picture is amazing. It looks like a magazine ad! Beautifully done.

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The shadows might be playing trick on us, making it look as if multiple colors were used besides Hyacinth and Satin White. The glaze breaking over the texture is what you’re seeing on the outside of the mug. The clay underneath is brown with specks, trying to peak through the white glaze giving the piece more depth.


Photo cred: @sweets4ever
Absolutely love looking at the world through her lens. What an eye that girl has.


Beautiful mug!

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