Imbolc Swap Gallery (former Witch/Wicca/Pagan) - S/O 01/27/2020

The last package, and it was totally worth the wait. It’s amazing, from @JoyfulClover she spoiled me. I knew it had arrived early in the week but I wasn’t in the same place as it until now. It was very tantalising.

First out was this fabulous woodburned and painted wooden plaque. It’s gorgeous, it makes me hopeful that spring is around the corner. I love the knotwork border and the snowdrops and just everything about it.

Also in the photo is the lovely card she sent and she made me a Brigit’s cross from her garden. I love this. I love that it’s the same and yet of a different material and it spans the distance in its coming back to Ireland. It makes the world a softer friendlier place.

And the other amazing amazing thing is my new altar cloth. I have an affinity for crows and look at this!!! There are different crows embroidered on each of the four corners. This is just stunning. I love it so much, sorry the pictures are on sideways, I was trying to get them taken in the best light

Thank you so much @JoyfulClover this swap and the ‘little good things’, have been a real balm to the soul, easing the transition from the dead place to our new home.