Imperfect pottery part two

After attending my first Raku workshop about a month ago, I signed up again. This time I was the only person and it was going to be cancelled but Andrew kindly said he’d hold it with just me.

I got one on one attention which meant that I threw 11 pieces. The clay still won but I improved from my first attempt.

Today I got to fire them all. Here are some of my favorites. The first one was made with feathers from my kid’s chickens.


Those are all really cool and how lovely to have one-on-one help!

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Oh, man, I’m jealous! Raku looks like such an amazing experience, and even more so with one-on-one instruction. All of the different glazes and finishes are so different and so impressive!

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Yeah, I’m so glad that we have a local gallery here in town which holds and promotes crafty workshops. It’s a treat. For a rural little town we have some neat stuff.

To top off the one on one attention, I asked if I could bring Elliott as Andrew has a couple of ponds and they are full of newts, turtles, and frogs. He said yes, Elliott had a blast, and Andrew gifted him a pot he made that we got to watch him fire.

This is the face of boy who knows he was handed a beautiful gift.


Wow, what a great gift! Elliott looks very happy. (Love the vest jacket!)

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Fun!!-- I like the cyclone look of some of those “I stopped just before it collapsed” pieces. :grin:

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What a cool experience all around! I have very fond memories of raku from decades ago. I admit to especially liking the wonky pieces.