InspiroBot InspireD ATCs

Recently, I hit up InspiroBot for a potential caption for another project. (H/t to @audity for introducing me to that site as a resource/good time.) I ended up going a different route for that caption but had a bunch of random “sentiments” I couldn’t let go, so turned them into a set of ATCs. The backgrounds are cut from an underpaper that I decided was ready for a new life.

“Rule 7: Give money to adults when they are at the loo.”

“Liars and witch hunters, team up for charity!”

“Antagonize a co-worker. Don’t just be someone else.”

Rated PG for suggestive dialogue :arrow_down:

“You don’t have to touch a grown-up man to get some.”

“Stars will one day reinvent your nightmares.”

“Only when you understand the hidden dimension of fruits will you truly find vegetables.”

Thanks for looking!


Those are some odd quotes. :rofl: The fruits and vegetables one is my favorite.

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The smile of her face! Priceless.

Omg, lol, I love that quote.