Interactive Mixed Media Art Lesson

As many of you know, I have my adult resident educator license to teach art. Now, I just need a job! The principal at the school I work at keeps talk to me about STEAM, so my mind has been working on STEAM art lessons. This one covers thst because of the process art to make the backgrounds and being interactive! The back background is bleeding tissue paper, and the ocean creatures are drawn with Sharpie on paper marbled with acrylic and/or tempera paint and shaving cream.

I made this interactive by cutting slits on the paper and adding paper clips to move my creatures.

I added strips of slit cut paper that my creatures can hide in!

Here’s some action!

This was so much fun to figure out! Hopefully I can have some 2nd or 3rd graders make this!


This would be such a fun lesson for little kids! I would’ve loved doing something like this. What a great way to incorporate so many different elements!

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That looks like so much fun! The kiddos will love it.

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How fun and adorable! The creatures are really cool!

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Very cool!

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The interactive aspect of this definitely makes it a next-level project!

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Thanks everyone, and @Bunny1kenobi --next level was the goal, so yay!

The interactivity is a cool feature, although I’d probably be the kid who just wanted to keep dyeing creatures in the shaving cream :laughing:.

Also, the smile on the shark is killing me.


That is so much fun!

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So fun! The kiddos are sure to love it!!!

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Hey! Something just clicked together in my brain. If you are still trying to collect ideas for STEAM art projects, maybe go take a peek at the old Kinetic Craftalong thread. I just remembered that @MightyMitochondria ’s son had a lot of fun making flip books and she posted a couple of videos of them.


I’ve been thinking of sharing this there and looking around a bit.

I think there’s actually a STEM ideas thread from a while back, also. That may be an ideal spot to share it also, and to get other ideas. The kinetic craftalong is over/ defunct at this moment.