Invite Your Partner 2023 swap, Sign up Jan 14 – Feb 4, SEND OUT EXTENDED TO MAR 25

I have ideas churning also. Nothing for sure here as well, but i think I’m getting close


i have a few ideas percolating. for @MightyMitochondria!!!


I have a wonderful partner and we’ve agreed on what & how much to swap :heart: other than that I haven’t done anything! :sweat_smile: Except I have thought “I should start brainstorming” … so I am thinking about thinking about it :laughing:


My school called a snow day, so I was able to finish another swap and cut out the first project for my IYP partner. I am going to make one for my partner and one for myself using very different color palettes. I am excited to see how they turn out.


We have another week to go of signups, if you’re still thinking about joining, there’s still plenty of time! This swap has a very leisurely pace.

But also, we have a sender already, yay! So i’ll be setting up the gallery shortly :smile:


@curiousfae and I joined! I love her style and we are trading ATCs most likely.


Yay! fantastic to have you!

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@Abbeeroad has generously agreed to jump in with me at the last minute!


Yay! I’m so excited!!


Hooray!! Welcome to the swap :smile:

Yes, my Sunday morning brain is trying to figure out the exact time. I think there’s still several hours to go before I close signups, so don’t wait if you’re still thinking about it!


Hi everybody!! The signups are officially closed and we are on our way!

I’ve created the gallery here, as we already have a sender!

Please check the first posts in the threads to check your info is correct, just let me know if I’ve missed something.

And, as this is a long swap, I’ll be posting a check in question for us to chat about each week.

First check in question
What are you listening to/watching while you’re creating? music? TV? silence? hungry cat meows?

My current crafting background is the X-Files … for the very first time. I’d never watched it until a couple of weeks ago. I’m finding it fun, and the early 90s styles are fab!
(no spoilers, I’m still only on season 1) :alien: :space_invader: :ghost:


Bobs Burgers and cat meows. I always have Bobs Burgers or Dateline on in the background, and my cats are bossy so they are always yelling at me.


How awesome! I love the first few seasons.

I am currently watching Rings of Power. I found it boring at first but gave it a second chance after my mom said she loved it. I’m getting into it now!

Of course my kids also have Aphmau and Noob Family (YouTubers) constantly on as background to their playing/fighting. :laughing:


I am listening to true crime podcasts while I craft.

Or Ancient Aliens. that show cracks me up.


For me it depends on the craft and the day. I hardly ever listen to anything while I weave and will sometimes listen to podcasts (Adventures in Arting, Planet Money, Knowledge Project) while I make art, especially if I’m batch creating something and it doesn’t need a lot of thinking. When I crochet I usually put on a tv show or movie. I’ve rewatched Battlestar Galactica several times over the years while crocheting blankets. Lately I’ve been watching Blacklist while I crochet but I need to switch to something else as it’s getting so ridiculous.


I hung in until the end of season 4 just because I really like James Spader. But the main woman character got on my nerves so bad and I couldn’t take it any more.


Looks like I’m at Season 4 episode 3 so you made it farther than I did.


Occasionally I listen to podcasts (Mortified, Dear Hank and John), but more often have the TV on for background noise (Monk re-runs or word-game shows if I can’t find anything else.)

Sometimes I’ll cast YouTube videos to the TV; my current favorite YouTubers are the Northern Mudlarks, a mother-daughter team based in Scotland. They travel around finding artsy little treasures on beaches or in historic dump sites…

And then sometimes they will show how they turn them into jewelry or ornaments, using various metalworking techniques.


I usually plug in something I’ve seen a bajillion times, typically some sort of cozy-ish mystery show (Murder, She Wrote, the Granada Sherlock Holmes series, etc.) or old seasons of GBBO or Taskmaster. Something I don’t actually have to pay attention to but that provides the kind of low-level background distraction that helps keep me out of my own head.


I usually craft in silence (it’s a rare commodity in my life! :rofl:) or I’ll have Pandora playing on my phone, my most go-to channels are David Bowie, Queen, and Broadway Show Tunes :heart: