I’m about to try my hand at making a simple CBD and essential oil infused hand lotion for my dad. Any advice from wise and experienced beauty product makers?
@MareMare got any advice?
it worked. It didn’t separate in the night. And it smells like the cream I was replacing, and we will see if there’s enough active CBD isolate to make any difference. And I learned to make sure I have enough ingredients instead of guessing. And I need a smaller double boiler
Cool! Wanna share your recipe/process?
Warning, talks about “drugs”. Not sure about legality in your jurisdiction.
I used this recipe. Mostly. I didn’t have enough isolate but I didn’t realise until I’d already measured out my oil and beeswax. So I melted em together and dumped about half out. As for essential oils. I dropped in a bunch. And then a bunch more. To get to the scent I was looking for. When it came time to add water. I splashed it in, realised it was coming together way faster than expected so I just started mixing with the bamboo skewers I could reach.
All in all. Probably a 2/10 for proper technique.
LOL, all’s well that ends well. I will bookmark your post for later on. I’m looking for something for my feet, steroid injections there are scary and painful.
Hello, I’m a cosmetic maker by trade. Depending on where you are in the world CBD is allowed or not
Without knowing your recipe I cannot comment on how effective or safe it is. Should you want help or advice, let me know.
I have to add, many essential oils are only safe in limited amounts. Some down to 0,002 % even.
Dumping them in without having checked the IFRA and MSDS is not a good idea.
Not raining on your parade, just a word of caution in case it burns, discolours or removes the skin.
Ya, we’re in Canada where anybody can grow whatever they want right at home so now worries about a little CBD, eh
I do see citrus, lavender & peppermint in the photo so yes, taking care with amounts is important as those 3, along with tea tree, can certainly irritate skin. A mild “fragrance level” cream should be fine though, even without careful measuring.
@sloth003, I changed my name but it’s just me, craftylittlemonkey
When I say dumped oils in. I’m at less than 40 drops total in a full cup of finished product. I feel comfortable I won’t flay my father’s skin off with that.
citrus is photosensitive, it can discolour the skin under sunlight but on hands that won’t be too bad. Really good of you to make something nice for your dad.