It's beautifully sunny, so of course I did ice dyeing

No idea what to category or tag to put this under.

DD wanted to tie dye as the weather has been glorious, and since we had the soda soak ready I thought I’d do a bit of ice dyeing. Using a bag of ice cubes, which I crushed a bit.

I’m in love with the result

And with some of the tie dye



That came out beautifully!

Oh, that’s stunning!

Gorgeous colors

I really love the effect you get from the ice! And the colors are very pretty.

Beautiful!!! Gorgeous effect!!!

Oh, they are glorious!

That is a clothesline of happiness right there!

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Yes it absolutely is :grin:

Wow. The color intensity you got on the blue & red is amazing.

Those fabrics ARE sunshine! So fun and happy.

Love this so much!

Looks like very happy laundry.

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Wow! Beautiful!

Beautiful colors…what type of fabric is it? Cotton? I would love to make some summer skirts…what will you do with all that fabric?

I’ve never heard of ice dyeing. Fantastic results!

Yes it’s cotton, with fibre reactive dye powder(from dharma trading, best place I’ve found for dye) the fabric is presoaked in a solution of washing soda and water.

As for what I’ll do with it, add it to my stash probably. We just love to dye. I wanted to order more colours from dharma T, as we only have primarys and mix them, but they stopped shipping overseas for the duration of lockdown.